L'Havin Toldos Workbook 5B Shoresh list 1
Quiz by Katherine Simon
Grade 3
Consortium of Jewish Day Schools - L’havin U’lehaskil
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Measures 1 skill from
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10 questions
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- Q1כההdim/darken30sG3:49
- Q2זקנold30sG3:49
- Q3צודto hunt30sG3:49
- Q4מששtouch, feel30sG3:49
- Q5תעהstray/deceive30sG3:49
- Q6לבשto dress/wear30sG3:49
- Q7נגשto come close30sG3:49
- Q8נכרto recognize30sG3:49
- Q9נשקto kiss30sG3:49
- Q10רוחto smell30sG3:49