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Linked verbs

Quiz by Nicholas Orphanos

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10 questions
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  • Q1
    What does this mean?
    I have to learn Spanish
    I want to learn Spanish
    I am going to learn Spanish.
    I need to learn Spanish
  • Q2
    What does this mean
    I want to visit my grandmother.
    I have to visit my grandmother
    I feel like visiting my grandmother
    I need to visit my grandmother
  • Q3
    WHat does this mean?
    We want to speak Spanish more
    We want to speak Spanish more
    We have to speak Spanish more
    We need to speak Spanish more.
  • Q4
    What does this mean?
    Miguel needs to eat chicken
    Miguel feels like eating chicken
    Miguel has to eat chicken
    Miguels wants to eat chicken
  • Q5
    what does this mean
    Do you want to watch the movie?
    Do you plan to watch the movie?
    Do you feel like watching the movie?
    Are you going to watch the movie?
  • Q6
    What does this mean?
    Maria does not feel like drinking soda.
    Maria does not want to drink soda
    Maria does not plan to drink soda
    Maria is not going to drink soda.
  • Q7
    What does this mean?
    Martin and Maria plan to study a lot
    Martin and Maria are going to study a lot
    Martin and Maria need to study a lot
    Martin and Maria have to study a lot.
  • Q8
    What does this mean?
    Who has to buy food?
    Who plans to buy food?
    Who is going to buy food?
    Who should buy food?
  • Q9
    What does this mean?
    They need to eat
    They have to eat
    They want to eat.
    They plan to eat
  • Q10
    What does this mean?
    I need to rest
    I plan to rest
    I am going to rest
    I have to rest

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