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Logical reasoning

Quiz by Sushat sangha

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13 questions
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  • Q1

    Which of the following are correct? 

    a) Some mushrooms have medicinal properties.

    b) Some mushrooms glow in the dark.

    c) Some mushrooms have insecticidal properties.


    Only b & c

    only a & b

    All are correct

    only b

  • Q2

    Squirrels are of two types: Ground squirrels and tree squirrels. 

    Consider the following statements about them.

    a) Ground squirrels build nests in the ground, whereas Tree squirrels build nests between the branches of tree.

    b) Ground squirrels store their food materials like nuts in the ground, whereas Tree squirrels store nuts in tree holes.

    c) Squirrels are generally omnivorous, meaning they eat both nuts, fruits, and sometimes insects too.

    Which of these is correct?

    b & c

    a & c

    All the three

    a & b

  • Q3

    Consider the following statements

    a) Some microorganisms can grow in environments with temperature above 100 degrees.

    b) Some microorganisms can grow in environments with temperature below 0 degrees.

    Which of them is correct?

    Both are correct


    only b

    only a

  • Q4

    According to you, why does any country in the world require a constitution? 

    To define the limits and powers of government.

    To provide welfare for the poor section

    To define the objective for the making of laws.

    To create political offices and government.

  • Q5

    Consider the following statement:

    a) Israel has diplomatic relations with some of the Arab states.

    b) India has diplomatic relations with some of the Arab states.

    Which of them is/are correct?

    Only b

    None of the above

    Both are correct.

    Only a

  • Q6

    According to you, which of the following organisms performs waggle dance- a dance which involves moving up and down quickly with jerky motions?





  • Q7

    Consider the following statements:

    Government of India provides Minimum support price for Niger seeds (Ramtil).

    Some tribal people use niger seed oil for cooking food.

    Which of them is/are correct?

    only b


    Both are correct

    only a

  • Q8

    Which of the following animal makes a stick and use it to pull out insects from tree hole?




    Polar Bear

  • Q9

    In recent years, countries like Mali & Sudan caught the international attention. What could be the possible reasons for catching the international attention?

    Takeover of the government by military in these areas

    Discovery of rare earth elements in these areas

    Establishment of chinese base in these areas

    Expansion of desert in these areas

  • Q10

    Constitution day is celebrated in India to

    promote strong center-state relations.

    promote use of local languages among citizens

    promote separation of judiciary and legislature

    promote values of constitution among citizens

  • Q11

    Which of the following are correct? 

    a) You can kill any wild animal just because you think that the animal may cause danger to your life.

    b)  Wild animals are the sole property of the government.

    Both a & b




  • Q12

    Suppose a major solar storm reaches the earth, what could be the possible consequences?

    a) Power grids could damage.

    b) GPS systems could fail.

    c) radio communication of aircraft flying could be disturbed

    only a & c

    All are correct

    only b & c

    only a & b

  • Q13

    "If rainforests are the lungs of the Earth, then surely wetlands are the kidneys". What could be the possible function of wetlands that they are described as kidney?

    Wetlands play a vital role in maintaining soil stabilization and sedimentation balance.

    Wetlands form the nutrient base for fish, birds and reptiles.

    Wetlands absorb heavy metals and excess nutrients.

    Water cycle of wetlands involve stages like surface runoff and evaporation


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