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LOW INT - Week 2 Quiz - 2/28/21

Quiz by Matthew Kolbusz

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45 questions
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  • Q1
    What word? Emotions // _________ of joy/sorrow/anger/love (OR) There's no point in trying to hide your ________.
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  • Q2
    What word? to speak or write (OR) to give information about (something) to someone by speaking, writing, moving your hands, etc. // She _________________ her ideas to the group. She likes to ____________ [=(more informally) keep in touch] with her sister through/by/via e-mail.
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  • Q3
    What word? to give support or help : to make it easier for someone to do something or for something to happen // She ___________ in making the decision. I ________ my brother when he needed help last week.
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  • Q4
    What word? can learn or understand things or to fix new or difficult problems // He's a hard worker but not very ________________.
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  • Q5
    What word? physical strength (OR) a body tissue that can contract and produce movement // She doesn't have the ________ to lift something so heavy. She started lifting weights to build ____________.
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  • Q6
    What word? the form or outline of an object // The cake has a rectangular/circular ________. The cloud kept changing _______.
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  • Q7
    What word? to go to or stay at a place where no one can find you // She _____ under the bed. The prisoners ________ (out) down by the river after escaping.
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  • Q8
    What word? the way that someone or something looks // The ____________ of the house is quite good. He is still very youthful in ______________. [=he still looks very young]
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  • Q9
    How long does it take to get from Philadelphia to New York?
    It takes about 2 hours.
    It go about 2 times.
    It take about 2 hours.
    It goes about 2 times.
  • Q10
    How often do you cook dinner?
    I cook for 40 minutes.
    I cooked two times last week.
    I cook twice a week.
    I will cook tomorrow.
  • Q11
    A: ______________ do you drive to work? B: I drive to work everyday.
    How long
    How often
  • Q12
    How often _______ (do) they take the bus to school?
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  • Q13
    How long does Sylvia _________(exercise)?
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  • Q14
    How long _______(do) it take to get to Atlantic City?
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  • Q15
    How often is he early? (10-15%)
    He frequently is early.
    He is rarely early.
    He is early frequently.
    He rarely is early.

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