M e gusta/ No me gusta
Quiz by Lara Perez-Aguilar
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11 questions
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- Q1?Me gusta significa?I likeMe like30s
- Q2?Que significa no me gusta?yes I like itI don't like it30s
- Q3?te gusta hablar?do you like to danceDo you like to talk30s
- Q4I don't like to textNo me gusta textearMe gusta cantar30s
- Q5I like to danceNo me gusta bailarMe gusta bailar30s
- Q6Me gusta muchoI like it a lotI like it a little30s
- Q7A mi no me gusta la televisionI don't like the televisionI like30s
- Q8No me gusta bailar, ni cantarI don't like to dance or signI dont like to cha cha or drink30s
- Q9Me gusta mas hablar con mis amigosI like to talk with my friendsMe gusta hablar con mis amigos30s
- Q10Me gusta mucho la musicaI like to signI like a lot the music30s
- Q11Me gusta el tiktokI don't like tiktokI like tiktok30s