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M1 Esophagus

Quiz by Jenny Ousley

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5 questions
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  • Q1

    A 32 year old man comes to the emergency department with severe heartburn and abdominal pain. The patient has a long history of smoking. His vital signs are within normal limits. A CT scan of the abdomen shows that the patient has a hiatal hernia, and a surgical repair is scheduled. Which of the following landmarks would be the most useful to distinguish between sliding and paraesophageal hiatal hernias?

    In sliding hernias, the GE junction is displaced

    Sliding hernias possess a normal gastroesophageal (GE) junction

    Paraesophageal hernias have a displaced GE junction

    In paraesophageal hernias, the antrum moves into the stomach corpus

    In paraesophageal hernias, the antrum and the cardia move into the body of the stomach

  • Q2

    A 52 year old male is being evaluated for achalasia. In reviewing his chart in the clinic with your rotating medical student you ask "Which arteries supply the abdominal part of the esophagus and the lower esophageal sphincter?"

    Superior and inferior phrenic arteries

    Inferior phrenic artery and left gastric artery

    Left and right gastric arteries

    Superior and inferior epigastric arteries

    Superior and inferior mesenteric arteries

  • Q3

    A 23 year old woman with no prior past medical history visits her primary care doctor because she is having difficulty swallowing (dysphagia). She undergoes upper endoscopy which reveals a stricture in the second portion of her esophagus. The second part of the esophagus typically has a narrowing due to which of the following structures?

    Diaphragm and phrenoesophageal ligament

    Cricopharyngeus muscle and cricoid cartilage

    Arch of the aorta and left main bronchus

    Azygous vein and right main bronchus

    Arch of the aorta and right main bronchus

  • Q4

    A 75 y/o woman complains to her doctor about left sided chest pain, difficulty swallowing and the sensation that food is stuck in her esophagus. Antacids don’t seem to help much. The symptoms seem to get worse if she lies down shortly after a email and she often has some small reflux of acidic stomach contents. A barium swallow is performed and the image below is taken. Based on radiographic imaging which of the following structures is herniated?

    The upper portion of the stomach

    The small intestines

    The large intestines

    Intraperitoneal fat

  • Q5

    Which nerve delivers preganglionic parasympathetic fibers to the esophagus?

    Phrenic nerve

    greater thoracic splanchnic nerve

    Long thoracic nerve

    Vagus nerve

    Superior laryngeal nerve


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