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Macbeth, Act 2

Quiz by Don Leibold

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10 questions
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  • Q1
    2.1-2 - Why is Banquo up late?
    He stays up late to talk to Macbeth about the witches.
    He had nightmares about the witches.
    He was awakened by voices saying, “Macbeth murdered sleep.”
    He senses something bad will happen to Duncan that night.
  • Q2
    2.2-1 - What eerie vision does Macbeth have before he kills Duncan?
    He sees a bloody ghost of Banquo.
    He sees the witches flying through the night on broomsticks.
    He sees Lady Macbeth hovering over him with a bloody dagger.
    He sees a bloody dagger floating in front of him.
  • Q3
    2.1-2 - What does Macbeth hear a voice saying?
    That he murdered sleep
    That by a pricking of his thumbs “something wicked this way comes”
    "Out, damned spot."
    “Out, out, brief candle.”
  • Q4
    2.1-2 - Why does Lady Macbeth say she didn’t kill the king herself?
    She abhors violence.
    He looked like her father in his sleep.
    She needed to see if Macbeth was man enough to do it.
    She tried but he overpowered her.
  • Q5
    2.1-2 - How does Lady Macbeth feel about how Macbeth carried out the murder?
    She is revolted that someone she loves could commit cold-blooded murder.
    She is ashamed by how scared he acts throughout the ordeal.
    She is filled with pride over his deed.
    She is indifferent.
  • Q6
    2.3-4 - What does the porter say that drinking causes?
    Heart disease, liver disease, and kidney problems
    Snoring, bad breath, and constipation
    A red nose, sleep, urination, and impotence
    A lot of knocking on the door
  • Q7
    2.3-4 - Who kills the servants who look guilty of the murder?
    Lady Macbeth
    Macduff and Lennox
  • Q8
    2.3-4 - How does Lady Macbeth publicly react to the news of the murder?
    She beats her chest and exclaims that she bears responsibility since it happened in her home.
    She laughs gleefully and rubs her hands.
    She begins to wail* uncontrollably. (*sob, cry, scream)
    She says it is horrible and pretends to faint.
  • Q9
    2.3-4 - Why do Malcom and Donalbain run away from the court?
    They too were plotting Duncan’s murder and are spooked that someone else got to him first.
    They are guilty and afraid of being caught.
    They know Macbeth did it and are scared.
    They fear that they are next to be murdered.
  • Q10
    2.3-4 - Why is Macbeth named king instead of Duncan’s son and heir, Malcom?
    Because Macbeth and Malcom are actually the same person
    Because Malcom makes a deal with Macbeth to forfeit the throne in exchange for not being murdered
    Because Duncan renounced Malcom and named Macbeth his heir
    Because Malcom’s flight makes him look guilty

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