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Macbeth Test

Quiz by Jessica Turner

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30 questions
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  • Q1
    Which of the following quotes is an example of a paradox?
    "The earth has bubbles as the water"
    "Lesser than Macbeth, and greater"
    "Posters of the sea and land"
    "What, can the devil speak true?"
  • Q2
    Which prediction by the witches comes true first?
    Macbeth becomes King
    Macbeth becomes Thane of Cawdor
    Macbeth becomes Thane of Glamis
    Banquo becomes King
  • Q3
    What prediction do the witches make for Banquo?
    He will become Thane of Cawdor
    He will become king
    He shall have heirs that become king
    He will be killed
  • Q4
    When Lady Macbeth finds out about the prediction that Macbeth will become king, she is most concerned about which of the following?
    She's worried that her husband doesn't have the backbone to do it
    She lacks the determination to actually kill someone
    She is concerned that Banquo will find out
    She doesn't know how they will get the opportunity to kill the king
  • Q5
    At which point does Macbeth first begin to consider murdering the king?
    When the king shows how trusting he is and how easy it would be to kill him
    When the messengers arrive and the first prediction comes true
    When Banquo takes him aside to discuss the "good news" of the predictions
    When Lady Macbeth "steels his will"
  • Q6
    In Macbeth's first important soliloquy, how does he explain his motivation for killing the king?
    He blames it on his pride and jealousy
    He blames it on his ambition
    He blames it on Banquo
    He blames it on Lady Macbeth
  • Q7
    What does Macbeth imagine just before he kills Duncan?
    a bloody dagger
    Lady Macbeth
    the corpse of Duncan
    a shrieking owl
  • Q8
    Which of the following themes indicated Macbeth's state of mind following the murder?
    his inability to hold the dagger
    the witches prophecies
    his sleeplessness
    Lady Macbeth's determination
  • Q9
    Which of the following tasks related to the murder does Lady Macbeth perform?
    plans the details
    returns the bloody daggers
    all of the above
    drugs the guards
  • Q10
    What does the drunken porter compare Inverness to as he answers the knocking?
    the palace of the king
    the gates of Heaven
    the river Styx
    the gates of Hell
  • Q11
    Why do Duncan's sons leave at the end of Act II?
    they are afraid for their lives
    they are guilty of killing their father
    they think they will be accused of the murder
    they are going to plot to gain control
  • Q12
    Which of the following is another example of a paradox?
    "makes him stand to and not stand to"
    "I'll devil porter it no further"
    fate, hid in an auger hole"
    "was by a mousing owl hawked at night"
  • Q13
    Which line by Banquo indicates that he now suspects Macbeth of Duncan’s murder?
    "As the weird women promised"
    "I fear thou play'dst most foully for 't"
    "May they not be my oracles as well?"
    “It should not stand in thy posterity.”
  • Q14
    How did Macbeth motivate the murderers to kill Banquo?
    he convinced them that Banquo caused all of their problems
    he told them that Banquo had killed Duncan
    he told them Banquo was his enemy
    he told them Lady Macbeth hated Banquo
  • Q15
    Why does Macbeth act so strangely at the banquet?
    He sees the ghost of Banquo
    He hasn't slept for three days
    The ghost of Fleance haunts him
    Lady Macbeth is started to go mad

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