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Major Muscle Groups

Quiz by Necole Robinson

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24 questions
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  • Q1
    large superficial muscle that extends from the occipital bone to the lower thoracic vertebrae and to the spine of the scapula (Base of the neck)?
    Question Image
  • Q2
    the rotation, retraction, elevation, and depression movements of scapula, and support of the arm?
    Actions of the Trapezius
    Actions of the Deltoids
    Actions of the Biceps
    Actions of the Triceps
  • Q3
    A fan-shaped muscle on the chest, making up the bulk of the male chest and found under the breast in a female
    Question Image
    Latissimus Dorsi
    Pectoralis Minor
    Pectoralis Major
  • Q4
    Flexes, extends, adducts, and rotates the arm at the shoulder
    Actions of the Pectoralis Major
    Actions of the Pectoralis Minor
    Actions of the External Oblique
    Actions of the Rectus Abdominis
  • Q5
    large, thick muscle of the upper arm consisting of two heads. s at the elbow where it flexes the forearm. muscle found deep in, or underneath, the pectoralis major
    Question Image
    Biceps Brachii
    Pectoralis Major
    Triceps Brachii
    Deltoid Muscle
  • Q6
    helps control the motion of two different joints, the shoulder and the elbow
    Actions of the Triceps Brachii
    Actions of the Hamstrings
    Actions of the Pectoralis major
    Actions of the Biceps Brachii
  • Q7
    Commonly known as "lats", are large, flat muscles posterior to the arm and partly covered by the trapezius. This is the broadest muscle in the back
    Question Image
    External Oblique
    Latissimus Dorsi
  • Q8
    Medially rotates, adducts, and extends the arm at the shoulder
    Actions of the Latissimus Dorsi
  • Q9
    A broad and thin muscle found on the lateral and anterior parts of the abdomen (borders abs)
    Question Image
    Triceps Brachii
    Rectus Abdominis
    External Oblique
    Deltoid Muscle
  • Q10
    Flexes vertebral column by drawing thorax inward, rotates and laterally flexes vertebral column (torso), and compresses the abdomen
    Abduction, Flexion, and extension of the shoulder
    Flexes the vertebral column (and torso), compresses the abdomen, and assists in breathing
    Actions of the External Oblique
    Flexes knee joint, rotates the knee joint laterally, and extends the thigh
  • Q11
    Commonly called the "abs", is a paired muscle that runs vertically on the anterior wall of the human abdomen
    Question Image
    Rectus Abdominis
    A broad and thin muscle found on the lateral and anterior parts of the abdomen (borders abs)
    A fan-shaped muscle on the chest, making up the bulk of the male chest and found under the breast in a female
    A large muscle group that occupies the front and sides of the thigh
  • Q12
    Flexes the vertebral column (and torso), compresses the abdomen, and assists in breathing
    Flexes vertebral column by drawing thorax inward, rotates and laterally flexes vertebral column (torso), and compresses the abdomen
    Actions of the Rectus Abdominis
    Abduction, Flexion, and extension of the shoulder
    Flexes, extends, adducts, and rotates the arm at the shoulder
  • Q13
    Forms the rounded shape of the shoulder
    Question Image
    Commonly called the "triceps", is the largest muscle on the back of the arm
    large superficial muscle that extends from the occipital bone to the lower thoracic vertebrae and to the spine of the scapula (Base of the neck)
    Deltoid Muscle
    A narrow and thick muscle that makes up a large portion of the shape and appearance of the buttocks
  • Q14
    Abduction, flexion, and extension of the shoulder
    Flex the elbow, supinate (rotate) the forearm
    Medially rotates, adducts, and extends the arm at the shoulder
    Actions of the Deltoid Muscle
    Rotation, retraction, elevation, and depression movements of scapula, and support of the arm
  • Q15
    Commonly called the "triceps", is the largest muscle on the back of the arm
    Question Image
    Triceps Brachii
    large superficial muscle that extends from the occipital bone to the lower thoracic vertebrae and to the spine of the scapula (Base of the neck)
    A large muscle group that occupies the front and sides of the thigh
    large, thick muscle of the upper arm consisting of two heads. s at the elbow where it flexes the forearm

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