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Making Good Choices (Head First PMP 4e, ch. 14, pp734-735)

Quiz by Gibbons, Carl

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10 questions
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  • Q1

    You read a great article over the weekend, and you think your team could really benefit from it. What should you do?

    Question Image

    Photocopy the article and give it to the team members.

    Type up parts of the article and email it to the team.

    Tell everyone that you thought of the ideas in the article yourself. 

    Buy a copy of the magazine for everyone.

  • Q2

    You find out that a contractor that you're working with discriminates against women. The contractor is in another country, and it's normal in that country. What should you do?

    Question Image

    Respect the contractor's culture and allow the discrimination to continue.

    Refuse to work with the contractor, and find a new seller.

    Submit a written request that the contractor no longer discriminate.

    Meet with your boss and explain the situation.

  • Q3

    You're a project manager at a construction company that's selling services to a client. You are working on a schedule and a budget when the CEO at the client demands that you do not produce those things. Instead, he wants you to begin work immediately. What is the BEST thing that you can do?

    Question Image

    Meet with the CEO to explain why the budget and schedule are necessary.

    Stop work immediately and go into claims administration.

    Don't produce the schedule and budget.

    Ask the buyer to find another company to work with.

  • Q4

    You're working on a project when the client demands that you take him out to lunch every week if you want to keep his business. What's the BEST thing to do?

    Question Image

    Take the client out to lunch and charge it to your company.

    Refuse to take the client out to lunch because it's a bribe.

    Take the client out to lunch, but report him to his manager.

    Report the incident to PMI.

  • Q5

    You are working on one of the first financial projects your company has attempted, and you have managed the project along the way. Your company is targeting financial companies for new projects next year. What's the BEST thing for you to do?

    Question Image

    Talk to your company about setting up some training sessions so that you can teach others what you have learned on your project.

    Keep the information you have learned to yourself so that you'll be more valuable to the company in the next year.

    Decide to specialize in financial contracts.

    Focus on your work with the project and don't worry about helping other people to learn from the experience.

  • Q6

    You find out that you could save money by contracting with a seller in a country that has lax environmental protection rules. What should you do?

    Continue to pay higher rates for an environmentally safe solution.

    Take advantage of the cost savings.

    Ask your boss to make the decision for you.

    Demand that your current contractor match the price.

  • Q7

    You overhear someone on your team using a racial slur. This person is a critical team member and you are worried that if he leaves your company it will cause project problems. What should you do?

    Question Image

    Pretend you didn't hear it so that you don't cause problems.

    Report the team member to his boss.

    Bring it up at the next team meeting.

    Meet in private with the team member and explain that racial slurs are unacceptable.

  • Q8

    You've given a presentation for your local PMI chapter meeting. This is an example of what?

    Question Image

    a PDU

    Contributing to the Project Management Body of Knowledge.

    Donating to charity


  • Q9

    You are about to hold a bidder conference, and a potential seller offers you great tickets to a baseball game for your favorite team. What should you do?

    Question Image

    Go to the game with the seller but avoid talking about the contract.

    Go to the game with the seller and discuss the contract.

    Go to the game, but make sure not to let him buy you anything because that would be a bribe.

    Politely refuse the tickets.

  • Q10

    Your company has sent out an RFP, and your brother wants to bid on it. What's the BEST thing for you to do?

    Question Image

    Give your brother inside information to make sure that he has the best chance at getting the project.

    Publicly disclose your relationship with him and excuse yourself from the selection process.

    Recommend your brother but don't inform anyone of your relationship.

    Don't tell anyone about your relationship, but be careful not to give your brother any advantage when evaluating all of the potential sellers.


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