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Mandatory Reporting 101

Quiz by Lynn Pence

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18 questions
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  • Q1
    Under ARS 13-3620, what topics fall under Mandatory Reporting?
    Child Abuse, Sex Offenses, Neglect
    Spanking a child
    Boy kicks another boy in the groin area
  • Q2
    What is child abuse?
    Accidental Injuries
    Causing a child to suffer physical injury other than by accident (specifically intend the result of act or at least have the general intent to harm).
  • Q3
    What is neglect?
    Child has body odor
    Child has dirty clothes
    The inability or unwillingness of a parent, guardian or custodian of a child to provide that child with supervision, food, clothing, shelter or medical care if there is a substantial risk of harm to the child's health or welfare.
    Child has attendance issues
  • Q4
    What does reasonable belief mean?
    Establish that it is more probably than not that abuse has osccurred or beyond a doubt that abuse has occurred.
    Determination of whether information is true or not
    Visual Evidence of offense
    Reasonable belief is a very low standard. If there are any facts from which one could reasonably conclude that a child has been the victim of child abuse/physical injury, neglect, reportable sex offense, the person knowing the facts has a duty to report.
  • Q5
    When you do have a reasonable belief to make a mandatory report you should not....
    initiate an investigation, call in student/victim for an interview in the case a third party reports, call in school mental health practitioners to try to determine if the report is credible or if a report should be made, speak with the alleged abuser, promise to keep abuse information secret, contact parents.
  • Q6
    The most important thing to remember as a Mandatory Reporter is...
    When in doubt, make the call and let law enforcement make the determination.
  • Q7
    When a child hesitates to talk about an injury or gives an explanation that is inconsistent with his injury, this should raise suspicion that the injury was an accident. True or False?
  • Q8
    John, a 9th grade Biology student, becomes angry and sits under one of the lab tables. Mr. Smith, the teacher, asks John several times to get out from under the table. Mr. Smith then pulls the student from under the table by grasping John's feet and drags John approximately 20 feet. John sustains a severe rug burn on his back in the process of being pulled out from under the table. You are the school nurse and John comes to you complaining about what happened. Is this a mandatory report?
  • Q9
    A 3rd-grade student, Susie, is waiting at parent pick-up with her teacher on an early release day. Susie's mom turns into the parking lot driving fairly erratically. Instead of pulling up to spots number 1 or 2, Susie's mom pulls into a parking spot and gets out of the car. Her walk is unsteady and her speech is slurred when she addresses Susie, "It's time to go, Sweetie." Is this a mandatory report?
  • Q10
    Ethan, a Kindergarten student, reports to you, his teacher that his mom and dad were arguing last night. He than states that his dad hit his mom. Is this a mandatory report?
  • Q11
    A six-year old is left at home unsupervised. Is this a mandatory report?
  • Q12
    There has been a recent amendment to the Mandatory Reporting law for the state of Arizona. A report is not required if (a) the minor is of ELEMENTARY Age, (b) the physical injury occurs accidentally in the course of typical playground activity during the school day, (c) occurs on the premises of the school that the minor attends and (d) is reported to the legal parent or guardian of the minor and the school maintains written record of the student. What grades does the state deem to be ELEMENTARY age?
  • Q13
    Emotional abuse is only a mandatory report when serious emotional damage that has been diagnosed by a medical doctor or psychologist. True or False?
  • Q14
    Sally and Joan are in 4th grade. Sally tells Joan that her brother, who is 13, touches her where her underwear covers her. Joan reports this to her mother, and Joan's mother immediately reports this to you, a 2nd grade teacher. You report the matter to the school nurse. The school nurse reports it to the principal. Is this a mandatory report?
  • Q15
    Sally and Joan are in 4th grade. Sally tells Joan that her brother, who is 13, touches her where her underwear covers her. Joan reports this to her mother, and Joan's mother immediately reports this to you, a 2nd grade teacher. You report the matter to the school nurse. The school nurse reports it to the principal. Should you talk to Sally?

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