Map Skills
Quiz by Patricia Anub
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13 questions
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- Q1the exact location of a placeabsolute location30s
- Q2using everything around to describe where the location of a place isrelative location30s
- Q3a three dimensional spherical scale model of the earthglobe30s
- Q4how the earth is divided into halveshemisphere30s
- Q5lines that measure distance north and south of the equatorlatitude30s
- Q6lines that measure distance east and west of the Prime Meridianlongitude30s
- Q7an imaginary line that runs through Greenwich, England and divides the earth into the eastern and western hemisphereprime meridian30s
- Q8an imaginary line that runs through the middle of the earth and divides the earth into northern and southern hemisphereequator30s
- Q9different ways of showing the earth on a flat surfacemap projections30s
- Q10measures distance on a mapscale30s
- Q11a type of map that shows cities, capitals, and land boundariespolitical map30s
- Q12a type of map that shows landforms, water features, and elevationphysical map30s
- Q13a representation of a globe on a flat surfacemap30s