Map Skills
Quiz by Ladonna Mielke
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42 questions
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- Q1Which is an example of relative location? is next to ...GPS...30s
- Q2Cultural Geography studies:how people use and change Earth.kinds of land and sea.30s
- Q3When looking at cultural place, we can studywhere someone lives, jobs, politics, language.bodies of water, land, climate, plant and animal life30s
- Q4Which is an example of absolute location?mapsit is nearturn by the churchgo quite a ways30s
- Q5This theme of geography studies migrationLocationMovementHuman and Environment InteractionRegion30s
- Q6This theme of geography studies how people affect the earth.RegionHuman and Environment InteractionHuman MovementPlace30s
- Q7When we divide the world into smaller pieces to study it, we are using this theme of geography:RegionAbsolute LocationRelative LocationPhysical Place30s
- Q8This map type has borders, cities, and other man-made features on it.PoliticalPhysicalThematic30s
- Q9This map type is centered around one idea:PoliticalPhysicalThematic30s
- Q10This shows map directionScaleCompass / Cardinal RoseSymbolKey30s
- Q11This tells what a map is about.SymbolsKeyTitleScale30s
- Q12This tells what a map showsKeySymbolsCompass / Cardinal RoseScale30s
- Q13This tells how far or big a map is in real life.Compass / Cardinal RoseKeySymbolScale30s
- Q14What are the cardinal directions?N,S,E,WSW, NWSW,SENE,SE30s
- Q15The _______________________ is zero degrees longitude.International Date LineEquatorTropic of CancerPrime Meridian30s