Map Vocabulary
Quiz by Kelly Naughton
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20 questions
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- Q1Line of longitude that is at 0 degreesPrime Meridian30s
- Q2Parallel lines that run East and West around the globe. They measure distance North and South of the EquatorLatitude30s
- Q3Lines that run North and South from the poles. They measure distance East and West of the Prime MeridianLongitude30s
- Q490° South and the furthest point southSouth Pole30s
- Q590° North and the furthest point northNorth Pole30s
- Q6Global Positioning SystemGPS30s
- Q70° parallel line that cuts the globe into the Northern and Southern hemispheresEquator30s
- Q8Maps whose primary function is to show geographical features like land and water forms, elevation, and depthPhysical Maps30s
- Q9Maps whose primary function is to show the borders and boundaries of cities, states, countries, and continentsPolitical Maps30s
- Q10A way of measuring distance on a mapScale30s
- Q11This provides information about how to read a particular mapLegend/Key30s
- Q12Shows the four cardinal directions and the four intermediary directionsCompass Rose30s
- Q13Words that show places on mapsLabels30s
- Q14Maps that show a particular time in historyHistorical Maps30s
- Q15The measuring symbol for lines of latitude and longitudeDegrees30s