Quiz by Euvelyn Decasa Santiago
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- Q1
1. It is the lightness and darkness of color.
Users re-arrange answers into correct orderJumble30s - Q2
2. It is the use of differences and change to increase the visual interest of the work.
Users re-arrange answers into correct orderJumble30s - Q3
3. It is a continuous mark made on a surface by a moving point.
Users re-arrange answers into correct orderJumble30s - Q4
4. It is when all the elements and principles work together to create a pleasing image.
Users re-arrange answers into correct orderJumble30s - Q5
5. It is a large difference between two things to create interest and tension.
Users re-arrange answers into correct orderJumble30s - Q6
6. It consists of hue, intensity and value.
Users re-arrange answers into correct orderJumble30s - Q7
7. It is the surface quality of an object, its smoothness, toughness, softness, etc.
Users re-arrange answers into correct orderJumble30s - Q8
8. It is the focal point of an image, or when one area or thing stand out the most.
Users re-arrange answers into correct orderJumble30s - Q9
9. It is when the parts of an image are organized so that one side mirrors the other.
Users re-arrange answers into correct orderJumble30s - Q10
10. It is when one side of a composition does not reflect the design of the other.
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