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Mastery: Y9 Michaelmas Linguistics

Quiz by Mark Seccombe

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20 questions
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  • Q1
    French - How do you say "I am called"?
    Je suis appelle
    Je m’appelle
    Je me'appelle
    Je m'apele
  • Q2
    French - How do you say "I am 13 years old"?
    J'treize 11
    J’ai treize ans
    Je treize ans
    Je suis treize ans
  • Q3
    French - How do you say "My birthday is"?
    Moi anniversaire, c'est
    Mon anniversaire, c’est
    C'est mon anniversaire
    Ma anniversaire, c'est
  • Q4
    French - How do you say "I live in England"?
    J'habite dans Angleterre
    J'habite en Angleterre
    J'habite en anglais
    J'habite dans anglais
  • Q5
    French - How do you say "I live with"?
    J'habite dans
    J’habite avec
    J'habite à
    J'habite en
  • Q6
    French - How do you say "I like to play"?
    J'aimes jouer
    J'aimes joue
    J’aime jouer
    J'aime joue
  • Q7
    French - How do you say "I play"?
    Je joue
    je joues
    je joué
    je jouer
  • Q8
    French - How do you say "I am going to play"?
    Je vais joue
    je suis vais jouer
    je vais joué
    Je vais jouer
  • Q9
    French - How do you say "I played"?
    Je vais joué
    Je joué
    J’ai joué
    J'ai jouer
  • Q10
    French - How do you say "it is"?
  • Q11
    English - What is meant by the term: prose ?
    text organised into paragraphs and sentences
    text written in script
    text organised into paragraphs
    text written in lines
  • Q12
    English - What is meant by the term: dystopia?
    imaginary place which is run by a dictator
    imaginary place which is set in the future
    imaginary place where people are bad
    imaginary place where life is bad
  • Q13
    English - What is meant by the term: retrospective?
    looking from a character's viewpoint
    looking back in time
    a part which is set in a different time compared to the main story
    a part which is set earlier in time compared to the main story
  • Q14
    English - What is meant by the term: exposition?
    information at the start about the characters and setting
    a section which exposes the real feelings of the character
    information about the characters in the text
    a section which exposes the antagonist
  • Q15
    English - What is meant by the term: genre?
    type or category of text
    main idea
    main theme
    message of the text

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