Maths terminology revision
Quiz by Центр Кембриджский
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- Q1
Product means a number that you get to by multiplying two or more other numbers together.
truefalseTrue or False30s - Q2
Integer is a fraction and not whole number.
falsetrueTrue or False30s - Q3
Value is a number defining worth of each digit or result of a calculation.
truefalseTrue or False30s - Q4
Satisfy this condition means to fulfill the requirements or conditions of.
truefalseTrue or False30s - Q5
Variable is a symbol for a value we know.
falsetrueTrue or False30s - Q6
Factorize means to divide a number into factors .
truefalseTrue or False30s - Q7
Multiply by means to calculate the product of two or more numbers.
truefalseTrue or False30s - Q8
Squared means three raised to the power of three.
falsetrueTrue or False30s - Q9
Raised to the power of means that the exponent of a number says how many times to use that number in a multiplication.
truefalseTrue or False30s - Q10
Digits are the single numbers used to represent values in math.
truefalseTrue or False30s - Q11
Unit is a single quantity regarded as a whole in calculation.
truefalseTrue or False30s - Q12
Less than states that one value is bigger than the other.
falsetrueTrue or False30s - Q13
Equals show that the values on either side of it are different.
falsetrueTrue or False30s - Q14
Denote is a symbol or a letter that represents a common statistical expression.
truefalseTrue or False30s - Q15
Equation is a mathematical statement that shows that two mathematical expressions are different.
falsetrueTrue or False30s