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MCQ Revision for Al-Fiqh al-Islamy & Islamic Fiqh And Its Extraction Disciplines. Dr. Ahmad Asad

Quiz by Ahmad Asad

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15 questions
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  • Q1

    What is the technical definition of Islamic Fiqh (al-Fiqh Al-Islamiy)?

    A compilation of Fiqh maxims

    The art of Islamic calligraphy

    Practical rules  and the principles which are  deriving from Sharai sources

    The study of the Quran and Sunnah

  • Q2

    What are Al-ahkaam al-Shar'iyyah?

    Guidelines for personal development

    Rules and guidelines understooddirectly from the sources

    A set of philosophical principles

    Rules and guidelines from Allah derived from humanexperience

  • Q3

    Which of the following is NOT a primary source of Islamic Shariah?





  • Q4

    How is Usul-Al-Fiqh different from Fiqh?

    Usul-Al-Fiqh is not based on religious texts.

    Usul-ul-Fiqh is the end product of Fiqh.

    Fiqh is the foundation of Usul-ul-Fiqh.

    Fiqh is concerned with detailed rules, while Usul-Al Fiqh deals with methods.

  • Q5

    How many well-known mathahib (Islamic legal schools) are there?





  • Q6

    What does the principle of "transparency in commercial dealings" in Islamic commercial jurisprudence emphasize?

    Non of the above answers

    Avoiding all business interactions

    Keeping business secrets

    Honesty and openness in business transactions & Ambiguity in contracts

  • Q7

    What is the purpose of Qawaa'id al-Fiqhiyyah (Maxims of Al-Fiqh)?

    To summarize and relate groups of Fiqh rules

    To provide entertainment for scholars

    To make Fiqh rules more complicated

    To create new rules in Fiqh

  • Q8

    What is the primary role of Usul-Al-Fiqh in Islamic scholarship?

    Understanding Hadith collections

    Interpretation and deduction of Fiqh rules

    Study of the Arabic language

    Memorization of Quranic verses

  • Q9

    What are the three levels of interests in Islamic jurisprudence?

    The levels of faith, hope, and charity

    The levels of Addharuriwaat, Comforts and Beautifications

    The levels of obligations, prohibitions, and choices

    The levels of fasting, prayer, and pilgrimage

  • Q10

    Which of the following is NOT one of the secondary  sources of Islamic law?





  • Q11

    Which of the following is a fundamental principle of Islamic commercial jurisprudence?

    Justice and fair dealing are essential

     Hording is encouraged

    Transparency in commercial dealings is unnecessary

    Property may be taken without consent

  • Q12

    In Islamic Fiqh, what are the three forms that rules or guidelines may take?

    Statements, questions, and exclamations

    Recommendations, suggestions, and mandates

    Obligations, prohibitions, and choices

    Laws, regulations, and customs

  • Q13

    Which of the following disciplines is essential for the extraction of new rules in Islamic Fiqh?    

    Maqasid-ush-Shariah , Usul Alfiqh & Fiqh Maxims


    Islamic History

  • Q14

    How can the objectives of Shariah be best described?

    They are arbitrary and ever-changing

    They are unrelated to Allah's Revelation

    They are based on individual opinions

    They represent scholars' understanding of Allah's Revelation

  • Q15

    What are the three major areas of focus in Shariah Objectives ?

    Business, politics, and entertainment

     Purification of the soul, upholding justice and protection of interests

    Sports, art, and technology

    Purification of the soul, upholding justice, and economic prosperity


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