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Medication Administration for Children

Quiz by Cayla DeMoss

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7 questions
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  • Q1
    Factors that influence the absorption of medications in children include:
    blood-brain barrier isn't fully mature until about 2 years old
    a larger body surface area (BSA) to weight ratio
    less skin surface area relative to weight
    gastric emptying time is faster than that of an older child
  • Q2
    A safe volume of medication for an IM injection in a young child (3-6 yrs) administered in the deltoid site is:
    1.25-1.5 mL
    less than 0.5 ml
    1.5 - 2 mL
    0.5-1 mL
  • Q3
    The nurse is administering otic drops to her 6 year old patient. To administer the medication, the nurse will
    pull the pinna down and towards the back of the head.
    not warm the solution to prevent pain.
    pull the pinna up and back.
    clean the ear canal with a cotton tipped applicator.
  • Q4
    The nurse has a prescription for obtaining IV access on the 2 year old patient with RSV. The nurse will:
    select a site in the dominant forearm.
    allow the parent to remain with the child.
    select a site proximal to the non-dominant hand.
    secure the site firm and tight so the child will not remove.
  • Q5
    What is the the most used route of medication administration children?
    SQ injections
    IM injections
  • Q6
    The nurse knows that the preferred site for an IM injection for children who are 4 years old and walking is:
    Rectus femoris
    Vastus lateralis
  • Q7
    The nurse is preparing to administer an oral antibiotic medication to her 3 year old patient, Scotty. The patient is crying and does not want the medication. The nurses best action is to:
    allow Scotty's to administer the medication.
    tell Scotty he must take his medicine or he will get worse.
    put the medicine in Scotty's favorite juice.
    give the medicine after Scotty calms down.

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