Medicine (Environment)
Quiz by suraj kapoor
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- Q1
Mark the incorrect statement about heat stroke
Calksequestrin 1 gene on chromosome 1 is associated
All the statements are correct
In Exertional heat stroke sweating is usually absent
Advanced age has low level of heat shock proteins
30s - Q2
All are correct about heat stroke except
All the statements are correct
Exertional heat stroke usually occurs in elderly
Respiratory alkalosis is seen in classical heat stroke
Rhabdomyolysis is common in Exertional heat stroke
30s - Q3
Mark the incorrect statement
Heat exhaustion usually responds well to conservative management
All the statements are correct
Heat stress index take into account temperature and atmospheric pressure
Dizziness , confusion , nausea can be seen in Heat exhaustion
30s - Q4
Mark the incorrect statement about hypothermia
Earliest symptoms of hypothermia is change in behaviour
All the statements are correct
ECG can show Osborn waves
Severe hypothermia is core body temperature below 30 deg c
30s - Q5
Mark the incorrect statement about hypothermia
Most important investigation is measuring core body temperature
In metabolic icebox state revival can occur even after CPR of more than 3 hours
After drop is seen when chest is rewarmed
ECMO is the most effective rewarming method for accidental severe hypothermia
30s - Q6
Painful muscle contraction due to vigorous exercise with no elecation of core body temperature
Heat cramps
Heat syncope
Heat Stroke
Heat Exhaustion
30s - Q7
Complications of heat stroke includes all except
Cerebral oedema
All are included
Lactic acidosis
30s - Q8
Mark the incorrect statement about Hypothermia
Rarely it can be secondary to glucocorticoid insufficiency
All statements are correct
Elderly are at highest risk
ECG may show J waves
30s - Q9
Classical heat stroke temperature of core body more than in deg C
15s - Q10
Mark the incorrect statement in heat stroke
Calsequestrin 1 gene is involved
All statements are correct
Neuroleptic malignant syndrome is idiosyncratic reaction associated with first and second generation antipsychotics
Elderly have high expression of heat shock proteins