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MENA Review

Quiz by Shannon Shabanaj

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26 questions
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  • Q1
    What is desalination?
    A process of adding salt to water
    A process of boiling water
    A process of purifying freshwater
    A process of removing salt from ocean water.
  • Q2
    What is an ethnic group?
    a group of people who speak the same language
    a culture site that is important for a group of people
    a group of people who share a unique culture and identity
    a group of people who share a unique religion
  • Q3
    What does the term 'monotheism' mean?
    the belief that there are multiple gods
    the belief that there is only one God.
    the belief that there is no God
    the belief in nature spirits
  • Q4
    What is a cultural site?
    a place that has no historical significance
    a place that relates to a group of people and their history, beliefs, practices, and traditions
    a place where cultural events are held
    a place that serves as a tourist attraction
  • Q5
    What is freshwater?
    water that is drinkable for humans and can be used to grow plants and crops
    water found in oceans
    water with a high salt content
    water that is not suitable for human consumption
  • Q6
    What is the Arab Spring?
    a celebration of Arab culture
    a religious holiday in the Arab world
    a political movement in Europe
    a series of anti-government protests and uprisings in the Middle East and North Africa
  • Q7
    What is cultural diffusion?
    The isolation of cultural groups
    The spread of religion, language, and culture from one people to another
    The absence of cultural diversity
    The preservation of cultural traditions
  • Q8
    What is the GDP per capita?
    The percentage of a country's people who can read and write
    The total market value of all goods and services produced annually in an economy
    The measure of quality of life using factors like life expectancy and literacy
    Gross domestic product divided by the number of people in the population.
  • Q9
    What is the Literacy Rate?
    The average reading level of a country's population
    The number of books published annually
    The amount of money spent on education
    The percentage of a country's people who can read and write.
  • Q10
    What is Mansa Musa known for?
    A famous military conqueror who took over took over 90% of the known world
    A renowned scientist who invented vaccines
    An influential philosopher who wrote many books and poems about the meaning of life
    Emperor of the kingdom of Mali in Africa. He made a famous pilgrimage to Mecca and established trade routes to the Middle East.
  • Q11
    What is an ethnic group?
    a style of music
    a group of people who share a unique culture and identity
    a type of food
    a type of clothing
  • Q12
    What is religion?
    a type of language
    a type of food
    an organized system of beliefs, ceremonies, and rules used to worship a god or a group of gods
    a type of music
  • Q13
    What is desalination?
    A process of removing salt from ocean water.
    A process of boiling water
    A process of adding salt to water
    A process of purifying freshwater
  • Q14
    What is GDP per capita?
    Total exports of a country
    Total income of a country
    Total population of a country
    Gross domestic product divided by the number of people in the population.
  • Q15
    The two rivers that surround Ancient Mesopotamia. These rivers would flood and provide silt that made the soil fertile.
    Tigris and Euphrates Rivers
    Nile and Amazon Rivers
    Yangtze and Yellow Rivers
    Mississippi and Missouri Rivers

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