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Merchant of Venice - Acts 3-4, Scene 1

Quiz by Michelle Foster

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14 questions
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  • Q1
    Why does Shylock want to collect Antonio’s penalty?
    to feed his revenge
    to get his money back
    to get his daughter back
    he does not say
  • Q2
    What does Portia give Bassanio that he must swear never to part with?
    the lead casket
    a ring
    her love
    a lock of her golden hair
  • Q3
    Who arrives at Belmont late to the party, but with news?
    Shylock and the Duke
    Antonio and Bassanio
    Salarino and Salario
    Lorenzo and Jessica
  • Q4
    Where does Portia tell everyone that she is going?
    to Padua
    to a monastery
    to her room
    to Venice
  • Q5
    Who does the Duke call into the courtroom?
  • Q6
    When the sentence is passed, what does Portia ask?
    Is there a scale to weigh the flesh that is cut off?
    that Shylock’s bond gets torn up
    that the court reconsider
    that the court declares a mistrial
  • Q7
    What is the Duke’s final decision?
    Antonio gets half of Shylock’s possessions.
    Both Shylock and Antonio will be put in jail together.
    Shylock is free to tear up the bond and leave.
    Antonio and Shylock must not do business again.
  • Q8
    What is the news about Jessica?
    she is spending Shylock’s money wildly
    no one has seen her
    she is running around with Christians
    she is trying to get away from Lorenzo
  • Q9
    What surprise news does Gratiano give Bassanio?
    that he has fallen in love with Nerissa
    that Antonio is dead
    that Shylock is on the hunt for Antonio
    that Antonio’s ships have all been destroyed
  • Q10
    How does Shylock respond to Antonio?
    He angrily criticizes Shylock.
    He accepts that the law is the law.
    He asks for more time to pay off the loan.
    He spits on Shylock.
  • Q11
    As Act IV opens, the Duke speaks to Antonio. How does the Duke feel about Antonio’s predicament?
    he is angry with Antonio
    he doesn’t seem to care one way or the other
    he hopes Antonio has to pay the forfeiture of the bond
    he feels sorry for him
  • Q12
    Portia, dressed in disguise, tells Shylock that
    his bond is no good
    he has no place in a Christian courtroom
    he must take the offer that Bassanio has made
    his bond is good, but he must show mercy toward Antonio
  • Q13
    As he is about to cut Antonio, what does Portia warn Shylock?
    he will be damned if he proceeds
    he should make sure his knife is sharp
    the Christians will surely get him back if he proceeds
    the bond doesn’t allow for you to shed any blood
  • Q14
    What does Bassanio offer “Balthasar” once the trial is over?
    a ride back to Padua
    the 3,000 ducats owed to Shylock
    to take Balthasar to meet Portia
    to take Balthasar to dinner.

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