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Metacognition/Critical Reading Skills

Quiz by Mickie Gaffke

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24 questions
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  • Q1
    What metacognitive questions should you be asking yourself as you read?
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    Am I connecting? predicting? visualizing? questioning?
  • Q2
    What two types of distractions prevent you from concentrating as you read?
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    Internal (in your head) and external (in your environment)
  • Q3
    Give me an example of an internal distracter that might prevent you from concentrating while reading?
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    various answers as long as the distraction is in your head/thoughts
  • Q4
    Give me an example of an external distracter that might prevent you from concentrating?
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    various answers that are related to your environment
  • Q5
    What are the three stages of memory?
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    Sensory, short-term memory and long-term memory
  • Q6
    Why is rote learning NOT a good idea?
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    Because when you memorize information without understanding it, you easily forget it.
  • Q7
    How does mnemonics help you to recall information?
    Question Image
    After you understand information and learn it, mnemonic memory tricks help you retrieve it from your long-term memory
  • Q8
    Name the learning styles
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    Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic
  • Q9
    What learning style is used when we match using CRS (Card Review System)?
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  • Q10
    What learning style is used when you subvocalize (read aloud)?
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  • Q11
    What learning style is used when you use mind maps and acrostics?
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  • Q12
    How do you use your sensory memory to gain information?
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    You purposely PAY ATTENTION and INTEND TO REMEMBER information, and then work to transfer the information to your short-term memory.
  • Q13
    How do you use your short-term memory to remember information?
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    CONSCIOUSLY use a CHUNKING strategy to group large amounts of information.
  • Q14
    Name some strategies for recalling information from your long-term memory.
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    Mnemonics are memory tricks that use key words, acronyms, or acrostics to help you recall information that you understand. Card Review System (CRS) is the vocabulary matching we do in class.
  • Q15
    What is efficient reading?
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    Being able to read and comprehend textbook material in an appropriate amount of time for you

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