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Methods of Sustainable Crop Production

Quiz by Cooper Hatch

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17 questions
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  • Q1

    What is vertical integration?

    Increased specialization and mechanization.

    A single person/business owns multiple steps in the production system.

    Farmers grow multiple crops with different growing cycles.

  • Q2

    What is industrialization?

    Farmers grow multiple crops with different growing cycles.

    A single person/business owns multiple steps in the production system.

    Increased specialization and mechanization.

  • Q3

    What is diversified crop production?

    Increased specialization and mechanization.

    A single person/business owns multiple steps in the production system.

    Farmers grow multiple crops with different growing cycles.

  • Q4

    The type of farming that allows crops to be moved from year to year to prevent growing the same crop on the same plot of land multiple years in a row is called:

    relay intercropping

    mixed intercropping

    soil tillage

    crop rotation

  • Q5

    Why is crop rotation done?

    plants of the same type take the same nutrients away from soil over time

    crop rotation saves water

    farmers get tired of growing the same thing

    crop rotation is cheaper than other farming methods

  • Q6

    The type of farming that allows two or more crops to be grown at the same time in the same soil space is called:

    crop rotation

    high tunnels

    soil tillage


  • Q7

    What is Row Intercropping?

    Planting the second crop in as the first crop is maturing, but is not yet harvested

    Growing two or more crops in a section of fields large enough to allow for production machines to enter and small enough to ensure crop interaction

    Growing the crops with no defined rows

    Growing two or more crops at once in the same row

  • Q8

    What is Mixed Intercropping?

    Growing two or more crops in a section of fields large enough to allow for production machines to enter and small enough to ensure crop interaction

    Planting the second crop in as the first crop is maturing, but is not yet harvested

    Growing two or more crops at once in the same row

    Growing the crops with no defined rows

  • Q9

    What is Strip Intercropping?

    Growing two or more crops at once in the same row

    Growing two or more crops in a section of fields large enough to allow for production machines to enter and small enough to ensure crop interaction

    Planting the second crop in as the first crop is maturing, but is not yet harvested

    Growing the crops with no defined rows

  • Q10

    Which of the following is an advantage of intercropping?

    decreased crop diversity

    increased fertilizer use

    attraction of beneficial organisms

    decreased yields

  • Q11

    The type of farming where the land is no longer tilled and crop residue is left standing in the field is called:

    soil tillage


    no till farming

    crop rotation

  • Q12

    A specific type of no till farming where at least 30% of the soil surface is still covered after planting is called:

    crop rotation


    soil tillage

    conservation tillage

  • Q13

    A way to design agricultural systems that mimics relationships found in natural ecosystems is called:

    crop rotation


    no till farming


  • Q14

    Which of the following is not a principle of permaculture?

    Use and value diversity

    Catch and store energy

    Produce no waste

    Eliminate all insects

  • Q15

    Simple plastic-covered steel structures that save heat from the sun are called:

    high tunnels

    row covers



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