Mi Vida y Mi Familia
Quiz by Andrea O'Donnell
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33 questions
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- Q1Cómo eres?How are you?What are you like?How old are you?30s
- Q2Cómo te llamas?What are you like?What is your name?How old are you?30s
- Q3Me llamoMy name isI likeI live30s
- Q4Cuántos años tienes?Where are you from?How old are you?Where do you live?30s
- Q5Tengo X años.I have X brothersI am X years oldI have X cousins30s
- Q6De dónde eres?Where are you from?What nationality are you?Where do you live?30s
- Q7Soy deI amI live inI am from30s
- Q8Dónde vives?Where are you from?Where do you live?What are you like?30s
- Q9SoyI amI haveI live30s
- Q10Qué haces en tu tiempo libre?What do you do in your free time?How long have you lived here?What do you do at the weekend?30s
- Q11Leo y escribo correosI read and write e mailsI read and write in class30s
- Q12Navego por InternetI like the InternetI surf the net30s
- Q13Descargo músicaI record musicI listen to musicI download music30s
- Q14Juego con el ordenadorI write on the computerI play on the computerI don't have a computer30s
- Q15ChateoI chatI readI listen30s