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Middle Ages Benchmark Review

Quiz by Ellen Masters

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21 questions
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  • Q1
    Why was the Magna Carta important?
    It gave lands to the vassals.
    It freed slaves.
    It established the Christian Church.
    It limited the king's power by law.
  • Q2
    How did Pope Urban persuade people to join the Crusades?
    He threatened them with servitude.
    He said God commanded them.
    He gave them no choice.
    He threatened to exile them.
  • Q3
    What accomplishment did Emperor Charlemagne and Emperor Asoka of India have in common (or share)?
    They both helped spread religion throughout their empires.
    They ruled small villages.
    They were both crowned by the pope.
    Their kingdoms were conquered by foreign invaders.
  • Q4
    What is the holy book of Islam that guides the lives of Muslims?
    the Vedas
    the Qur'an
    the Bible
    the Torah
  • Q5
    Use the primary source below to answer the following question. Who believed it was wrong to pay indulgences to gain forgiveness from the church?
    Question Image
    Queen Elizabeth I
    Martin Luther
    Leonardo da Vinci
  • Q6
    Use the primary source below to answer the following question. Why did Martin Luther argue against the sale of indulgences?
    Question Image
    He believed that not all sins could be forgiven.
    He believed that only God could grant forgiveness.
    He believed that only the pope could forgive sins.
    He believed that indulgences were too expensive.
  • Q7
    Why do Muslims fast during the holy month of Ramadan?
    to raise money to build mosques or pay debts
    to spread the teachings of Muhammad
    to improve trade relations with other countries
    to show God is more important than one's own body
  • Q8
    What were the Crusades?
    a series of wars between Buddhists and Hindus
    a series of wars to end persecution of Jews
    a series of wars between Christians and Muslims
    a series of wars between nobles and knights
  • Q9
    Why did the Crusades fail to permanently conquer the Holy Land?
    Fighting was a long distance from Europe.
    The power of popes declined.
    Crusader armies had greater weapons.
    Religion was not important to most Europeans.
  • Q10
    Because of periods of warfare and disorder, Europe fell into a period of despair known by what term?
    Dark Age
    Age of Enlightenment
    Bronze Age
    Golden Age
  • Q11
    Based on the map below, what physical characteristic of European geography contributed to the development of feudalism?
    Question Image
    the rivers, which allowed the Vikings to attack inland cities
    the forests, which allowed raiders to move secretly
    the ocean, which prevented attacks from the west
    the mountains, which prevented Viking raids
  • Q12
    How did farmers and the manor system meet the needs of the growing population?
    The lords helped the serfs work the fields.
    They imported food from Africa and Asia.
    They used new technology to produce larger harvests.
    They used slaves to work the fields.
  • Q13
    Under feudalism, what were serfs mainly responsible for?
    defending the manor
    protecting the vassals
    traveling with lords
    working the fields
  • Q14
    Why did the growth of trade lead to the decline of feudalism?
    Knights demanded money instead of land.
    Lords demanded loyalty from vassals.
    Serfs and peasants continued to work in fields.
    Women traded their goods at markets.
  • Q15
    What effect did the Black Death have on the economy?
    The power of English kings grew.
    Many serfs and peasants still worked in fields.
    The population grew with little food.
    The manor system fell apart.

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