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Middle colonies

Quiz by Mica Pierson

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10 questions
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  • Q1
    Which of the following were the Middle Colonies?
    Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, and Virginia
    Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, and South Carolina
    Delaware, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and New York
    Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Vermont
  • Q2
    Which colony was the first to ratify the constitution?
    New York
    New Jersey
  • Q3
    Which colony was known for its manufacturing of ironworking and lumber?
    New York
    New Jersey
  • Q4
    Which colony had a royal government and major cities like New York City and Albany?
    New York
    New Jersey
  • Q5
    Which colony was founded by William Penn and known for its agricultural industry?
    New Jersey
    New York
  • Q6
    What were the main natural resources of the Middle Colonies?
    Gold, silver, copper, and oil
    Good farmland, timber, furs, and coal
    Good farmland, timber, furs, and coal
    Diamonds, rubies, emeralds, and sapphires
    Oil, gas, uranium, and shale
  • Q7
    What was the climate like in the Middle Colonies?
    Cold climate with long, snowy winters
    Harsh climate with extreme hot and cold temperatures
    Tropical climate with year-round heat
    Mild climate with warm summers and mild winters
  • Q8
    What were the main industries in the Middle Colonies?
    Gold mining, silver mining, copper mining, and gemstone mining
    Oil production, gas production, coal production, and diamond production
    Food production, iron ore production, lumber production, textile production, fur production, and shipbuilding
    Textile production, clothing production, paper production, and steel production
    Food production, iron ore production, lumber production, textile production, fur production, and shipbuilding
  • Q9
    What made the geography of the Middle Colonies unique?
    Swampy marshlands with abundant wildlife
    Fertile soil and land suitable for farming
    Mountainous terrain with rich mineral deposits
    Desert-like conditions with limited water sources
  • Q10
    What were the major religions of the people in the Middle Colonies?
    Quakers, Catholics, Lutherans, and Jewish
    Atheists, agnostics, secularists, and humanists
    Protestants, Baptists, Methodists, and Episcopalians
    Buddhists, Hindus, Muslims, and Sikhs

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