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Mod 35 MCQ Quiz

Quiz by Hannah Tapp Thomas

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13 questions
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  • Q1

    Which of the following describes the process of domestication?�

    It is the discovery of edible plants and animals near human settlements.

    It is a short-term process that led to an increase in the plants and animals in the wild.

    It is the control of fire and increased produc-tion of tools to alter the environment.

    It is the long-term process through which humans selectively breed and care for wild plants and animals.

    It is the short-term process developed to increase food supplies as a response to hunger and a strong will to survive.

  • Q2

    Which of the following best explains the significance of biodiversity in the domestication of plants by early humans?

    Regions with great biodiversity provided abun-dant plants for experimentation and cross-breeding.

    Regions with great biodiversity attracted many kinds of animals that hunters could easily cap-ture and tame as pets.

    Regions of great biodiversity were sparsely populated, giving the original inhabitants the necessary time to domesticate the plants.

    Regions of great biodiversity were sparsely populated, giving the original inhabitants the necessary time to domesticate the plants.

    Regions of great biodiversity were found only in river valleys and grassy plains where compe-tition for food caused tensions among humans.

  • Q3

    Combining domesticated plants and animals into an integrated system by farmers in the Indus Valley led to which of the following agricultural systems in Africa?

    paddy rice farming

    slash-and-burn agriculture�

    mixed crop/livestock farming

    nomadic herding

    commercial grain farming

  • Q4

    A geographer studying the diffusion of wheat from the Middle East to Europe and then to the Americas is using which of the following scales of analysis?






  • Q5

    Which of the following is an example of relocation diffusion of a specific domesticate in modern times rather than through the Columbian Exchange?

    Water buffalo to paddy rice farmers in Southeast Asia by Middle East farmers

    Olives into California, where no cultivation previously existed, by Spanish missionaries

    Potatoes into the Andes by Spanish colonists who brought familiar plants from Europe

    Sheep into the Middle East by traders from Australia

    Chili peppers from South Asia to South America by Portuguese landowners

  • Q6

    Corn (maize) was first domesticated in

    North Argentina�

    the Tibetan Plateau�

    the Canadian prairie�

    Central Mexico

    Central Australia�

  • Q7

    Which of the following explains why multiple early hearths of domestication and diffusion of plants and animals arose across the world in Central America, the Fertile Crescent, the Indus River valley, and Southeast Asia?

    Domestication of plants and animals began in Central America and the process diffused to other areas through the early explorers.

    Domestication of plants and animals evolved in each hearth independently of one another as societies in each area learned and applied the process to local plants and animals.

    Domestication of plants and animals began in Southeast Asia and the process diffused to other areas as nomadic warriors conquered other cultural groups and carried the new seeds and animals with them.

    Domestication of plants and animals began in the Fertile Crescent and the process diffused as pastoral nomads migrated to other areas.

    Domestication of plants and animals began in the Indus River valley and the process diffused to other areas across trade routes.

  • Q8

    In which of the following areas was wheat most probably domesticated earliest?

    Southern Italy

    Northern Libya

    the Plateau of Central Mexico

    Eastern China

    Southeastern Turkey�

  • Q9

    Which of the following includes the world's earliest centers of plant domestication?

    British Isles, Scandinavia, U.S.

    Northeast Asia, Eastern Europe, South Africa

    Australia, New Zealand, China

    Southeast Asia, Mesoamerica, Middle East

    Russia, China, Latin America�

  • Q10

    Which of the following best explains the diffusion of plants and animals from their hearths of domestication?

    Animals were domesticated before plants and diffused rapidly from their hearth of domestication through contagious diffusion because they were mobile and moved easily from place to place.

    Domesticated plants spread through wind-borne dispersal of seeds from their original hearth, expanding slowly until a vast region was covered with new plants.

    Both domesticated plants and animals spread across the globe through contagious diffusion in early years by farmers and traders, and later by relocation diffusion through European exploration and colonialism.

    The diffusion of plants and animals was limited to areas close to each hearth of domestication because the newly developed plants and animals could not readily adapt to different soil types.

    The diffusion of plants and animals was dependent on nomadic traders who traveled between agricultural villages because early farmers were sedentary and did not travel to other areas.

  • Q11

    Which of the following explains the diffusion and successful cultivation of many plants and animals in new regions of the world through the Columbian Exchange?

    The plants and animals diffused only a short distance away from their point of domestication.

    The plants and animals diffused to a region with climate and geography similar to that of their point of domestication.

    Navigational technology allowed ships to travel more efficiently, enabling safe transport of plants and animals to new destinations.

    Diffusion of plants and animals filled the loss in many areas from a number of plant and animal extinctions.

    The plants and animals diffused to regions with variation in the climates between the hearth and the new region.

  • Q12

    According to Carl Sauer, which of the following is true about plant domestication?

    It originated in marginal areas with limited food resources.�

    It first occurred in diversified habitats with a variety of species.

    It was developed by farmers who were starving and desperate for food.�

    It owes its origins to the domestication of animals.�

    It was at first dependent on irrigation.�

  • Q13

    Traditionally, the Ganges Valley and the Nile Valley have had comparatively high population densities because of their�

    tropical climate

    heavy industrialization�

    in-migration from neighboring arid areas�

    intensive agriculture based on irrigation�

    designation as sacred sites�


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