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Modern World History Review PT 2

Quiz by Samantha Agnew-Milam

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25 questions
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  • Q1
    "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." --Thomas Jefferson, The Declaration of Independence, 1776 Thomas Jefferson's statement about unalienable rights would MOST likely have been influenced by the writings of
    Jean-Jacques Rousseau
    James Madison
    John Locke
    Benjamin Franklin
  • Q2
    Exploration and the discovery of new places led Europeans to colonize these areas. How is this related to the economic ideas of mercantilism?
    Europeans took control of the areas that had the raw materials they needed
    A barter system developed between Europeans and the new areas.
    The Europeans supplied the agricultural products the new areas needed.
    The population of the colonized areas increased as a result of European contact.
  • Q3
    A voyage that brought enslaved Africans across the Atlantic Ocean to North America and the West Indies
    Middle Passage
    Glorious Revolution
    Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen
    Declaration of Sentiments
  • Q4
    Which statement describes one long term effect of the rule of Louis XIV?
    People overlooked his abuse of power and focused on his achievements.
    France was not recognized as a world power by her European counterparts.
    Upon his death, France immediately took steps to limit a monarch's power
    People's resentment of the royal abuse of power eventually led to revolution
  • Q5
    Prior to the French Revolution, which class had the most people but the least political power?
    Third Estate
    Estates General
    Estate Assembly
    Second Estate
  • Q6
    What was the American reaction to Haitian independence after their successful revolution?
    It led to the uneasiness that a slave uprising would occur on American soil so they instituted a trade embargo refusing to recognize Haiti as an independent state
    American colonists were inspired to rise up against the control of Great Britain leading to the drafting of the Declaration of Independence
    It led to the Emancipation Proclamation freeing slaves in the rebellious states of America.
    The North and South divided politically leading to an immediate South Carolina secession from the Union.
  • Q7
    Why did the findings of Galileo frighten Catholic and Protestant leaders?
    His findings led him to rebel against the Cardinals.
    His findings went against Church teaching and authority.
    His findings supported the theories of Aristotle.
    His findings did not support the Copernican theory.
  • Q8
    Enlightenment thinkers contributed to changes in relationships between citizens and governments through their belief that
    popular liberties should be limited by the need for social order.
    absolute monarchy is the most effective form of government.
    most changes in government are dangerous.
    governments are instituted to protect citizens’ rights.
  • Q9
    These two men were the early leaders for Mexican independence from Spain
    Simon Bolivar & Jose de San Martin
    Pancho Villa & Emiliano Zapata
    Santa Anna & Benito Juarez
    Father Hidalgo & Father Morelos
  • Q10
    This man is known as El Libertador for gaining independence from Spain for the modern nations of Peru, Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Panama and Bolivia.
    Father Miguel Hidalgo
    Jose de San Martin
    Francisco de Miranda
    Simon Bolivar
  • Q11
    This man was the main leader of the revolution in Haiti in its attempt to gain independence from France.
    Simon Bolivar
    Toussaint Louverture
    George Washington
    Maximilien Robespierre
  • Q12
    Portuguese exploration primarily created trade ___________, while Spanish exploration primarily created ____________.
    Routes, Colonies
    Colonies, Routes
    Alliances, Rivalries
    Ships, Rubber Ducks
  • Q13
    What is a direct effect of the decline of the Indigenous populations in the New World?
    The Human Rights movement in the New World
    Mass migration of Indigenous peoples to the Old World
    The isolation of China and Japan from the rest of the world
    The movement of enslaved Africans to the New World
  • Q14
    How did Napoleon end the chaos of the French Revolution?
    He stabilized the country with his new policies
    He continued to use the guillotine against his enemies
    He decreased the size of the military
    He worked with the Directory to bring peace
  • Q15
    During the Age of Absolutism, European monarchs looked to
    Develop better relations with Muslim rulers
    Encourage the growth of political farms
    Increase human rights for citizens
    Centralize political power in their nations

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