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Modern World History Test Review PT 1

Quiz by Samantha Agnew-Milam

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25 questions
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  • Q1
    The Silk Roads connected East and West Asia beginning as early as 114 B.C., but its use declined in the late 1400s and came to a definite halt in the early 1500s. The use of the Silk Roads decreased when
    the rivers changed course.
    sea trade increased
    a series of wars erupted.
    railway trade increased.
  • Q2
    The Black Death of the 14th century was responsible for
    Causing the Little Ice Age to impact crop production throughout Eurasia.
    Destabilizing the social, political, economic, and religious structures of Europe
    Increasing the amount of goods traded through the Indian Ocean
    Forcing Europeans to migrate to the Americas in search of religious freedom
  • Q3
    Which of these was a key idea of the Renaissance?
    emphasis on the next world rather than man's place in this one
    the suppression (keep down) of artistic innovation
    the equality of all mankind
    an interest in classical civilizations of Greece and Rome
  • Q4
    The astrolabe, an example of improved technology of the 15th and 16th centuries, had the GREATEST impact on
    artistic techniques
    building methods
    navigation skills
    literacy rates
  • Q5
    The spread of religions during this time period would have been made easier by which of these?
    trans-Saharan trade
    the Mongols
    Islamic Caliphates
    the Silk Roads
  • Q6
    Which statement BEST explains why the Renaissance began in Italy?
    Italian cities were trade centers in the late fourteenth century.
    Northern Europe artists arrived bringing their artistic style that the artists copied.
    The successful creation of a unified Italian monarchy meant resources were available for art.
    Italy was the victor in the Hundred Years War.
  • Q7
    This was a series of conflicts between Christians and Muslims for control of the Holy Land between 1095 and 1291.
    Warring States period
    The Crusades
    The Spanish Inquisition
    The Hundred Years War
  • Q8
    What invention helped the Ottomans lay siege to Constantinople in 1453?
  • Q9
    What religion did Siddhartha Gautama found?
  • Q10
    Which of the following is a negative impact that the Columbian Exchange had on the native peoples of the Americas?
    The use of the horse caused native peoples to leave.
    Agriculture spread to more regions.
    Europeans established global trade networks that brought maize to Europe, chili peppers to India, and wheat to the Americas.
    The spread of disease killed millions of people.
  • Q11
    Which grouping lists the main reasons for Spanish exploration of the "New World"?
    "Salt, silk, and spices"
    "Trade, silver, and jewels"
    "Rum, slaves, and molasses”
    "God, glory, and gold"
  • Q12
    What religion originated in India and remains the most practiced religion in India today?
  • Q13
    What was the motivation for the exchange of commerce along the Silk Roads, Sea Roads, and Sand Roads?
    The exchange of commerce along these three networks was motivated by an opportunity to expand empires and take over new land
    Exchange of commerce was influenced by similar climates along the three networks. This allowed for easier exchange of goods and ideas.
    The acquisition of hard-to-find luxury items sustained trade along these three exchange networks.
    Imposing cultural traditions on new people motivated the exchange of commerce along these three networks.
  • Q14
    What's the BEST definition of the Columbian Exchange?
    The exchange of plants, animals, people, and resources between the New World and the Old World
    The introduction of gunpowder weapons to the Ottoman, Safavid, and Mughal Empires
    The exchange of Renaissance ideas from Italy to China through the Silk Road
    The spread of religions from Europe to Africa in exchange for slaves
  • Q15
    What resource made the Mali and Songhai Empires of West Africa wealthy and powerful?

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