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Module 1 Q3

Quiz by Maria Rhodora A. Vergara

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5 questions
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  • Q1

    Which of the following degree measures can be considered as a measure of an obtuse angle?

    D. 180\degree

    C. 105\degree

    A. 20\degree

    B. 90\degree

  • Q2

    2. What terms are the building blocks of other geometric  terms?

    B. definite terms

    D. unidentified terms

    C. Undefined Terms

    A. defined  terms

  • Q3

    3. What are the three undefined terms  in Geometry?

    D. point, line , plane

    C. point, line, ray

    A. line, ray, angle

    B. point, postulate, theorem

  • Q4

    4. What set of points DOES NOT lie on the same plane?

    C. non- collinear

    D. non- coplanar

    A. collinear

    B. coplanar

  • Q5

    5. What term is called the common end point of an angle?

    D. vertex

    B. point

    C. side

    A. angle


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