Module 3 Review
Quiz by Meg Basilio
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30 questions
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- Q1How does a farmer prevent erosion when plowing?irrigateseed the hillsrotate cropscontour plowing60s
- Q2Almost all water is renewed or replenished, except forfossil wateraquiferslake watergroundnwater60s
- Q3Irrigation can cause....soil erosionsoil salinizationsoil exhaustionsoil fertilization60s
- Q4all products made from oil are calledpetrochemicalspetrolpetroleumplastics60s
- Q5Sulfur is emitted by the burning ofoilnuclear powernatural gascoal60s
- Q6Crop rotation preventssmaller crop yieldshigher crop yieldsexhausting the soilsalt build-up60s
- Q7South American rainforests are experiencingregrowthreforestationdeforestationdroughts60s
- Q8The cleanest fossil fuel iscoalnatural gasoiluranium60s
- Q9A rock layer where groundwater is plentiful is calledaquifershaleaqueductlimestone60s
- Q10Energy that is produced by heat from the earth is callednuclear energygeothermal energyhydro energybiomass energy60s
- Q11Hydraulic fracturing is used to access
uranium 235 deposits
coal deposits
natural gas deposits/petroleum deposits
mineral deposits
60s - Q12Which fossil fuel can be made into many products?uraniumcoalnatural gasoil/petroleum60s
- Q13Which fossil fuel emits the most sulfur in the airnatural gasoilcoalnuclear60s
- Q14The nonrenewable energy source that emits no carbon dioxide iscoalnatural gasoilnuclear60s
- Q15Power by the sun is referred to as
biomass energy
tidal energy
solar energy60s