Mollusk and Henlopen Review
Quiz by Emily Amodei
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- Q1
These mollusks usually only one shell, but sometimes have no shell at all.
30s - Q2
These mollusks have two shells connected by a hinge.
30s - Q3
Examples of this class of mollusk include lightning whelks, mud snails, and slipper shells.
"head-foot" ones
"two-shelled" ones
30s - Q4
Examples of this class of mollusk include jingle shell oysters, bay scallops, and razor clams.
"head-foot" ones
"stomach-foot" ones
30s - Q5
The organism (with a deep opening) shown here is a(n)
shark eye moon snail
bay scallop
boat shell
slipper shell
30s - Q6
The organism shown here is a(n)
mud snail
channeled whelk
knobbed whelk
lightning whelk
30s - Q7
The organism shown here is a(n)
lightning whelk
mud snail
knobbed whelk
channeled whelk
30s - Q8
The organism labeled A is a(n)
bay scallop
surf clam
calico scallop
30s - Q9
The organism shown here is a(n)
mud snail
channeled whelk
bay scallop
30s - Q10
The organism (with a shallow opening) shown here is a(n)
boat shell
bay scallop
shark eye moon snail
slipper shell
30s - Q11
The organism shown here is a(n)
false angel's wings
angel's wings
kitten's paw
30s - Q12
The organism shown here is a(n)
elephant ear oyster
north atlantic moon snail
calico scallop
shark eye moon snail
30s - Q13
The organism shown here is a(n)
calico scallop
north atlantic moon snail
surf clam
shark eye moon snail
30s - Q14
The organism(s) shown here is/are a(n)
ribbed mussel
calico scallop
surf clam
blue mussel
30s - Q15
The organism shown here is a(n)
blue mussel
bay scallop
ribbed mussel
surf clam