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Morality Terms and Definitions

Quiz by Natalia Gutierrez

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  • Q1

    What does MORALITY mean?

    General term that refers to multiple peoples approach toward what is just. 

    General term that refers to one’s personal approach toward what is good, right, and true. 

    General term that refers to multiple peoples approach as to what is right. 

    General term that refers to one’s personal approach toward becoming a lifelong learner. 

  • Q2

    What does IMMORAL mean? 

    That which is good, right, and true. Promotes creativeness. 

    That which is “bad, wrong, and false.”  Promotes what is destructive. 

  • Q3

    What does the word AMORAL mean? 

    Something that is viewed as a little bit of both good, right , true, and bad, wrong, and false. (both)

    Something that is neither viewed as good, right, and true, or that is bad, wrong, and false. 

  • Q4

    What does the word SUBJECTIVE mean? 

    What an individual believes to be true; the personal view of reality: ideas based off opinions, feeling, judgements, etc. 

    What is true based of off facts. 

  • Q5

    What does the word OBJECTIVE mean?

    What is widely (as a group/collective) accepted to be true based on fact and provable data.

    What an individual accepts to be true based on own beliefs. 

  • Q6

    What does the word INTEGRITY mean? 

    When there is disorder between our theory and practice. 

    When there is harmony between our theory and practice. 

  • Q7

    What does MORAL PRACTICE mean? 

    What an individual thinks in response/about a moral dilemma. 

    What an individual does in response to moral dilemma.  

  • Q8

    What does MORAL THEOLOGY mean? 

    Using opinion and quick actions/consequences to determine what is moral. 

    Using reason and drawing from religious revelation to determine what is moral. 

  • Q9

    What does META-ETHICS mean?

    Based on common knowledge, judgement, and opinions. 

    Explores the origins, nature, scope, and meaning of ethics. 

  • Q10

    What does APOLOGETICS mean? 

    The act of defending the Catholic Church through riots. 

    The act of explaining and/or defending the Catholic Church through the methods of reason, logic, and or value. 

    Apologizing for believing in your religion and converting religions. 

  • Q11


    Using other individuals opinions to determine what is moral.

    Using only our thinking and/or reasoning to determine what is moral.

  • Q12


    A philosophy asserting that certain rights inherent by virtue of human nature and understood universally through reason. 

    A law that states that you shouldn't mess with nature. 

    A law that naturally, everyone knows about. 


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