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Multiple Choice. Select the letter of the best answer and write on the space provided.

Quiz by Diosdedet Labordo Jr.

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20 questions
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  • Q1

    1.According to APA format, the list of references which appear at the end of your paper is called

    Sources used



    Works Cited

  • Q2

    2. The references at the end of your paper should appear

    in alphabetical order by authors’ surname or by title (if there is no author),regardless of type of reference (book, film journal article, website, etc.).

    numbered in the order in which they appear.

    first under those with authors, then those without.

    under separate subheadings according to type of source.

  • Q3

    3. The original quotation follows statistics on the increase in eighteen to thirty-four year olds owning their own businesses: “The trend may dilute corporate pools of promotable junior managers but provide a needed infrastructure for corporate outsourcing” (Keaveney, 2004, p.102-103). Which paraphrase is acceptable?

    a. The current fashion of members of the younger generation owning their own businesses might water down the numbers of available potential low-ranking administrators; however, it might also supply a necessary means at a basic level for business to subcontract (Keaveney, 2004).

    In creasingly, members of the younger generation are becoming entrepreneurs rather than making themselves available to work their way up the management scale for an individual company; the difficulties this may cause for companies is offset by the services as subcontractors they can provide as outsourcing becomes more necessary and more common(Keaveney, 2004).

    A necessary infrastructure for corporate outsourcing is provided even though the trend of members of the younger generation owning their own businesses is weakening the availability of potential executives (Keaveney, 2004).

    Companies will not be able to find enough people to hire who are junior management material, so they will have to subcontract the work instead (Keaveney, 2004).

  • Q4

    4. Which is the correct format for referencing an article called “The biological, social and clinical bases of drug addiction: commentary and debate,” by J. Altman, B.J. Everitt, T. W. Robbins, S. Glautier, A. Markou, D. Nutt., R. Oretti, C.Philbin, and G. D. Phillips. It was published in 1996 in Psychopharmacology, an online journal; ISSN 0033-3158, and Volume 125, Issue Number 4, pages 285 –345.

    Altman, J., et al. “The biological, social and clinical bases of drug addiction: commentary and debate.” Psychopharmacology 125.4 (1996): 285 – 345.

    Altman,J., Everitt, B. J., Robbins, T. W., et al. (1996). The biological, social and clinical bases of drug addiction: commentary and debate. Psychopharmacology, an online journal.125.4: 285 – 345.

    Altman,J., Everitt, B. J., Robbins, T.W., Glautier, S., Markou, A., Nutt, D., … Phillips,G. D. (1996). The biological, social and clinical bases of drug addiction: commentary and debate. Psychopharmacology, 125 (4),285 – 345.

    “The biological, social and clinical bases of drug addiction: commentary and debate.”(1996). J. Altman, B. J. Everitt, T. W. Robbins, S. Glautier, A.Markou, D. Nutt, R. Oretti, C. Philbin and G. D. Phillips. Psychopharmacology,Volume 125, Issue Number 4 pages: 285 - 345.

  • Q5

    The review of related literature enables researchers to look through research instruments from previous researches that can also used to answer their own research questions. Which of the following roles of RRL does this refer?

    The RRL leads to definitions of problems, selection of methods, and interpretation of findings.

    The RRL provides source of significant problems.


    The RRL helps us conceptualize and justify the research because an extensive review can assure no duplication.

    The RRL states the stand of researcher on conflicting views relative to the study.

  • Q6

    6. What shoulda researcher do when he cites an author within the text of the paper?

     Use asterisk and a footnote.

      Use the author, date citation method.

     State the first and the last names of the author.

     Insert the complete citation in parenthesis.

  • Q7

    7. Which of the following does not illustrate ethical standards in writing the literature review?

    Report the findings in your studies objectively.

    Inject editorial comments by manipulating the ideas in a certain study.

     Avoid plagiarism.

    Always cite your sources as way of acknowledging the studies relevant to your own.

  • Q8

    8. Below areillustrations of plagiarisms except one. Choose the statement which does notillustrate plagiarism.

     Citing another work used in a certain study and failure to paraphrase the portions of this work.

    Lifting a large portion of a research work (up to 50%) and citing its source.

    Copy the entire paper word for word, without acknowledging the source.

    Incorrectly citing a certain source and copying heavily from it.

  • Q9

    9. It is another skill use in drafting literature review as well as in the other stages of the research undertaking.





  • Q10

    10. Which statements are true about literature review?

    Literature review is just a summary of current research.

    Literature review should focus on a broader topic.

    Literature review is an examination of the literature and it enables the researcher to know what has been learned.

    Literature review is a summary of your own research.

  • Q11

    Literature review is an examination of relevant books, scholarly articles, and any other sources pertinent to an area of research.

    True or False
  • Q12

    The most common types of sources of information for a research problem are: general references, primary sources, and secondary sources.

    True or False
  • Q13

    Secondary Sources are firsthand knowledge which include laboratory experiments conducted, actual objects examined, literary works read, performances witnessed, and other raw data collected.

    True or False
  • Q14

    Copyright refers to a deliberate or reckless representation of another’s words, thoughts, or ideas as one’s own without attribution in connection with submission of academic work.

    True or False
  • Q15

    In-text-citation(indicate the source within the body of text).

    True or False

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