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Music Genre Vocab

Quiz by Ona Leddy

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10 questions
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  • Q1
    What is a Music Genre?
    A category that identifies music of similar sounds and styles
    Different groups of singers
    Multiple notes being played at the same time
    An instrument that has a lot of parts
  • Q2
    Define melody....
    The tune of the song, goes up and down, one note after the other
    Tone or unique quality of a sound
    Multiple notes being played at the same time
    How fast or slow a song goes
  • Q3
    Define dynamics...
    Tone or unique quality of a sound
    how loud or how soft music is
    How fast or slow a song goes
    When playing and singing at the same time
  • Q4
    Define harmony...
    tone or unique quality of a sound
    How loud or soft music is.
    How fast or slow a song goes
    Multiple notes being played at the same time
  • Q5
    Define timbre...
    Talking rhythmically
    How fast or slow a song goes
    Higher pitches and lower pitches together
    Tone or unique quality of a sound
  • Q6
    Define texture...
    How loud or how soft music is.
    How fast or how slow music is.
    Tone or unique quality of a sound
    Is how the melody, harmony, and rhythm combine to determine the overall quality of sound in a song
  • Q7
    What is tempo?
    How loud or soft music is.
    Tone or unique quality of a sound
    How fast or slow music is.
    A category that identifies music
  • Q8
    What is musical form?
    How fast or slow a song goes
    Tone or unique quality of a sound
    Multiple notes being played at the same time
    How a song is put together ex: Chorus and Verse
  • Q9
    What are words that describe timbre?
    Full Sound, Clear, Gentle
    One Voice,Instruements
    High, Low
    Fast, Slow
  • Q10
    What are words that describe the form of a song?
    Chorus/Verse, AB, ABA
    High, Low
    Full Sound, Clear
    Loud, Soft

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