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Music Studio Terminology 1

Quiz by Clinton Haycraft

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24 questions
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  • Q1
    What does DAW stand for?
    digital analog widget
    don't act weird
    digital audio workstation
    dig all wookies
  • Q2
    What does MIDI stand for?
    my instrument does itch
    musical interface digital instrument
    musical instrument digital interface
    musical instrument drift index
  • Q3
    "Pitch" in music can be defined as:
    the speed at which a sound vibrates
    sound perceived as "high" or "low"
    all of these
  • Q4
    A musical staff is:
    a set of 5 vertical lines and 4 spaces on which pitch information is written with notes
    that's not a thing
    a set of 5 horizontal lines and 4 spaces on which pitch information is written with notes
    a set of 4 horizontal lines and 5 spaces on which pitch information is written with notes
  • Q5
    A clef is:
    all of these
    a symbol indicating how pitch information is mapped onto the musical staff
    a symbol representing both the pitch and duration of a musical sound
    a symbol representing the duration of a musical sound
  • Q6
    A note is best defined as:
    a symbol representing the duration of a musical sound
    a symbol representing the pitch of a musical sound
    a symbol representing my grade for this class
    a symbol representing both the pitch and duration of a musical sound
  • Q7
    What is the difference between range and register?
    Range is a specific region of notes and register is all possible notes
    Range is where the home is and register is voting
    Range is how far I can shoot and registering a firearm is optional
    Range is all possible notes and register is a specific region
  • Q8
    Velocity is:
    how forcefully a sound is played
    how quickly a sound is played
    all of these
  • Q9
    Beat is traditionally defined as:
    a basic unit of time in music
    typically where a musician or listener taps their foot or moves their head
    a regularly recurring event on which the rhythmic structure of music is built
    all of these
  • Q10
    A bar is:
    a place to get drunk and then drive home
    segment of time corresponding to a specific number of beats
    not the same as a measure
    all of these
  • Q11
    A time signature is:
    regularly recurring patterns in musical time relating to bars / measures and beats
    all of these
    how high we count in music before we begin again
  • Q12
    Tempo is:
    how fast or slow a piece of music is perceived to be, typically measured in beats per minute (BPM)
    the placement of sounds in time; an ordered alternation of contrasting elements
    how fast or slow a piece of music is perceived to be, typically measured in beats per second (BPS)
    variation in loudness between notes or phrases
  • Q13
    Rhythm is:
    the speed of the underlying beat; how fast or slow a piece of music is perceived to be, typically measured in beats per minute (BPM)
    how a note is to be played or sung
    the placement of sounds in time; an ordered alternation of contrasting elements
    variation in loudness between notes or phrases
  • Q14
    Dynamics are:
    all of these
    variation in loudness between notes or phrases
  • Q15
    The difference between articulation and accent can best be defined as:
    articulation is how a note is played and accent is two or more sounds perceived simultaneously
    articulation is emphasis compared to surrounding notes and accent is how a note is played
    articulation is how a note is played and accent is emphasis compared to surrounding notes
    articulation is variation in loudness between notes or phrases and accent is how a note is played

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