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N2 Ch8-1

Quiz by Hisae Matsui

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10 questions
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  • Q1
    Listen to the conversations. Choose the correct combination of who or what was causing the trouble in the conversation and what happened to cause the trouble.
    Agent causing trouble: The first speaker, Action that caused trouble: reading e-mail
    Agent causing trouble: Mr. Mori, Action that caused trouble: reading e-mail
    Agent causing trouble: The first speaker, Action that caused trouble: writing e-mail
    Agent causing trouble: Mr. Mori, Action that caused trouble: writing e-mail
  • Q2
    Listen to the conversations. Choose the correct combination of who or what was causing the trouble in the conversation and what happened to cause the trouble.
    Agent causing trouble: The first speaker’s neighbor, Action that caused trouble: fighting
    Agent causing trouble: The first speaker’s neighbor, Action that caused trouble: studying
    Agent causing trouble: The first speaker, Action that caused trouble: studying
    Agent causing trouble: The first speaker, Action that caused trouble: fighting
  • Q3
    Listen to the conversations. Choose the correct combination of who or what was causing the trouble in the conversation and what happened to cause the trouble.
    Agent causing trouble: the dog, Action that caused trouble: raining
    Agent causing trouble: the dog, Action that caused trouble: abandoning
    Agent causing trouble: the dog’s owner, Action that caused trouble: abandoning
    Agent causing trouble: the dog’s owner, Action that caused trouble: raining
  • Q4
    Listen to the conversations. Choose the correct combination of who or what was causing the trouble in the conversation and what happened to cause the trouble.
    Agent causing trouble: I, Action that caused trouble: coming home
    Agent causing trouble: parents, Action that caused trouble: coming home
    Agent causing trouble: I, Action that caused trouble: doing a part time job
    Agent causing trouble: parents, Action that caused trouble: doing a part time job
  • Q5
    Listen to the conversations. Choose the correct combination of who or what was causing the trouble in the conversation and what happened to cause the trouble.
    Agent causing trouble: someone, Action that caused trouble: writing negative comments
    Agent causing trouble: the first speaker, Action that caused trouble: reading negative comments
    Agent causing trouble: someone, Action that caused trouble: reading negative comments
    Agent causing trouble: the first speaker, Action that caused trouble: writing negative comments
  • Q6
    Listen to the conversations. Choose the correct combination of who or what was causing the trouble in the conversation and what happened to cause the trouble.
    Agent causing trouble: I, Action that caused trouble: doing homework
    Agent causing trouble: I, Action that caused trouble: stealing a computer
    Agent causing trouble: a strange young man, Action that caused trouble: stealing a computer
    Agent causing trouble: a strange young man, Action that caused trouble: doing homework
  • Q7
    Listen to the conversations. Choose the correct combination of who or what was causing the trouble in the conversation and what happened to cause the trouble.
    Agent causing trouble: the first speaker, Action that caused trouble: troubling
    Agent causing trouble: the first speaker, Action that caused trouble: rain
    Agent causing trouble: rain, Action that caused trouble: troubling
    Agent causing trouble: rain, Action that caused trouble: rain
  • Q8
    Listen to the conversations. Choose the correct combination of who or what was causing the trouble in the conversation and what happened to cause the trouble.
    Agent causing trouble: younger brother, Action that caused trouble: breaking a computer
    Agent causing trouble: younger brother, Action that caused trouble: being lost
    Agent causing trouble: I, Action that caused trouble: being lost
    Agent causing trouble: I, Action that caused trouble: breaking a computer
  • Q9
    Listen to the conversations. Choose the correct combination of who or what was causing the trouble in the conversation and what happened to cause the trouble.
    Agent causing trouble: I, Action that caused trouble: bullying
    Agent causing trouble: Classmate, Action that caused trouble: being sad
    Agent causing trouble: I, Action that caused trouble: being sad
    Agent causing trouble: Classmate, Action that caused trouble: bullying
  • Q10
    10. Listen to the conversations. Choose the correct combination of who or what was causing the trouble in the conversation and what happened to cause the trouble.
    Agent causing trouble: Roommate, Action that caused trouble: waking up early
    Agent causing trouble: I, Action that caused trouble: waking up early
    Agent causing trouble: I, Action that caused trouble: leaving home early
    Agent causing trouble: Roommate, Action that caused trouble: leaving home early

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