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Name That Party!!!

Quiz by Robin Hager

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19 questions
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  • Q1
    Which party is against stricter regulations on� gun ownership?
    Question Image
    Democratic Party
    Republican Party
  • Q2
    Which party supports stronger� regulations to protect the environment and advocates for the development of� �renewable energy sources?
    Question Image
    Republican Party
    Democratic Party
  • Q3
    Which party favors the use of "diplomacy" first in dealing with hostile nations and supports a strong partnership with the United Nations?
    Question Image
    Democratic Party
    Republican Party
  • Q4
    Which party supports capital punishment (death penalty)?
    Question Image
    Republican Party
    Democratic Party
  • Q5
    Which party is for less government spending on social programs because they believe these programs can become costly and inefficient? Let private charity help less fortunate.
    Question Image
    Republican Party
    Democratic Party
  • Q6
    Which party tends to take a more liberal position on issues?
    Question Image
    Democratic Party
    Republican Party
  • Q7
    Which party sees the federal government as a "positive change agent," meaning the government is an instrument through which we can - for example, promote equality?
    Question Image
    Republican Party
    Democratic Party
  • Q8
    Which party favors "trickle down economics"? Cut taxes for wealthy and businesses who will in turn reinvest money in business, creating jobs.
    Question Image
    Republican Party
    Democratic Party
  • Q9
    Which party supports "flow up economics"? (aka, bubble up� economics) Giving tax breaks for middle and low classes as well as increasing the minimum wage increases demand for goods and services, thus money flows from the bottom to the top.
    Question Image
    Republican Party
    Democratic Party
  • Q10
    Which party advocates for a strong wall separating church and state (government neutrality) -- so they would be AGAINST prayer in public schools....
    Question Image
    Republican Party
    Democratic Party
  • Q11
    Which party recognizes the need to secure the borders BUT emphasizes� the need for a PATH TO CITIZENSHIP� for undocumented immigrants already here. Immigration is our strength- benefits culture and economy.
    Question Image
    Democratic Party
    Republican Party
  • Q12
    Which party supports a strict construction of the Constitution? (literal reading and interpretation- this keeps government small and it's power restrained)
    Question Image
    Democratic Party
    Republican Party
  • Q13
    Which party believes in government� social welfare programs instead of a reliance on private charity to help the needy because the government will administer programs fairly?
    Question Image
    Democratic Party
    Republican Party
  • Q14
    Which party supported Dobbs v. Jackson,� the case which overturned� Roe v. Wade. It made� abortion a decision made by the states. (Who's PRO-LIFE)
    Question Image
    Republican Party
    Democratic Party
  • Q15
    Which party disagreed with� the 2015 Obergefell v. Hodges decision which legalized same sex marriage? (who's AGAINST� same sex marriage)
    Question Image
    Republican Party
    Democratic Party

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