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  • Q1
    It is the transmission of ideas and emotions between or among persons with the use of verbal and nonverbal cues.
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  • Q2
    Communication is a process that starts with ______.
    a message
    an encoder
    a stimulus
    a decoder
  • Q3
    Which of the following may be considered as noise in the communication process?
    loud music as the sender and the receiver speak with each other
    the idea that the sender wants to turn into a message
    the medium that the participants use to engage in communication
    the response that the receiver would like to give
  • Q4
    Arrange the following events in the order that they would occur in the process of communication.
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  • Q5
    Sabrina is deciding on whether or not she will ask her sister for help with her math homework. She is in the process of ______.
    encoding the message
    decoding the message
    activating the stimulus
    giving feedback
  • Q6
    It refers to the use of words or speech in sending messages and transmitting ideas or feelings.
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  • Q7
    Body language, appearance, voice, and environment are some of the ______ cues that greatly affect the meaning of one's message.
  • Q8
    Frowning to show one’s disapproval is an example of ______.
  • Q9
    Which of the following is not an example of haptics?
    lightly touching the other person
    crossing one’s arms
    giving another person a hug
    tapping the arm of another person
  • Q10
    Which of the following shows chronemics?
    gasping as one realizes how late it is
    gesturing to a clock when somebody else asks about the time
    asking what time a particular meeting is going to end
    being on time for dinner with a friend
  • Q11
    The ______ of communication are the components that make the communication process possible.
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  • Q12
    This type of context refers to the place, time, environment, and distance between communicators.
    cultural context
    psychological context
    social context
    physical context
  • Q13
    Donna: Hi, Kate. Do you have with you the literature handouts that were given to us by Ms. Sotto last week? Kate: Yeah, I do. Why? Donna: I lost mine, and I asked Jane, but she lost hers as well. Is it okay for me to borrow yours and have them photocopied? Kate: Sure. Here they are. Donna: Thanks so much! I’ll return them to you right away. Who is the sender in the conversation?
    Ms. Sotto
  • Q14
    Rhea and Melissa used to be best friends, but Rhea moved to a faraway city five years ago. Now that she is moving back to the same city Melissa is in, Rhea wants to get in touch with her. However, she worries that their conversations may be awkward since they did not keep in touch in the years she was away. Which of the following will most affect their conversation?
    social context
    cultural context
    psychological context
    physical context
  • Q15
    The term "______ of communication” refers to a conceptual representation that is used to explain the communication process.
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