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Navi Exit Quiz 14 - Yirmiyahu Perek 19

Quiz by Ira Wallach

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4 questions
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  • Q1

    What is the significance of the בקבוק (bottle) in Jeremiah 19:1?

    No particular significance

    It was used for storing water

    It was used to contrast with the non-formed clay in chapter 18

    It was used for keeping wine

  • Q2

    What is the significance of the place where the prophecy (Nevuah) was given (Jeremiah 19:2)?

    It was a marketplace

    It was where there were shards of pottery paralleling the nevuah

    It was a holy site

    It was where the King's palace was situated

  • Q3

    Why was the Valley of Ben Hinnom called "Tophet"?

    It was a place of idol worship and child sacrifice.

    Bells were played to drown out the screams of sacrificed children.

    The valley was known for its abundance of clay pots.

    It was a burial ground for criminals and outcasts.

  • Q4

    What does the word וּ֠בַקֹּתִ֠י in Jeremiah 19:7 parallel to?






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