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Nazi Soviet Pact

Quiz by C

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6 questions
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  • Q1
    How had Hitler previously viewed Stalin and Communism?
    Hitler had always stated he hated Communism.
    Hitler wasn't that bothered about Stalin or Communism.
  • Q2
    How did Chamberlain feel about Germany and Russia?
    He was wary of Russia and wanted Germany to act as a buffer zone to stop the spread of Communism.
    He was more worried about Hitler and Germany.
    He didn't trust either country.
  • Q3
    Who had Stalin tried to agree an alliance with previously?
    He's approached France and Britain, but then became frustrated by their indececsion.
    He'd approached Italy and the USA, but they turmned him down.
  • Q4
    Why did Hitler approach Stalin to sign the Nazi Soviet Pact?
    He wanted Stalin to help him control Germany & Austria.
    He wanted to invade Poland, without aggression from Russia.
  • Q5
    What was the main agreement in the Nazi Soviet Pact?
    Hitler and Stalin agree they could each invade Poland and take half each. Neither side would attack each other.
    Hitler and Stalin agree they could each invade Austria and take half each. Neither side would attack each other.
  • Q6
    How did Chamberlain respond when Hitler invaded Poland?
    GB had previously assured Poland they would offer support, if Poland came under attack.
    Chamberlain tried to appease Hitler and allowed him to take the parts of Poland where people spoke German.

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