NCSCOS Grade 8 Earth Science - 8.E.1 Diagnostic Hydrosphere
Quiz by NCDPI
Grade 8
North Carolina Standard Course of Study
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10 questions
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- Q1Most of the earth's surface is covered byfreshwaterwaterlandice30s8.E1.1
- Q2An example of an estuary isLake Superiorthe Atlantic OceanPamlico Soundthe Catawba River30s8.E1.1
- Q3The place where salt water from the ocean mixes with fresh water from rivers and streams is calledan intertidal zonean upwellingan estuarya drainage basin30s8.E1.1
- Q4In the picture of the ocean floor, letter B marks what landform?continental shelfocean basinrift zonecontinental slope30s8.E1.2
- Q5Some ocean currents are caused by differences in the density of water from place to place around the globe. What two factors cause differences in ocean water density?differences in amount of dissolved salts and gravitydifference in water temperature and winddifference in water temperature and amount of dissolved saltdifference in water temperature and phases of the moon30s8.E1.2
- Q6What pH level should drinking water have?7101330s8.E1.3
- Q7Which is a possible solution to protect North Carolina residents from the effects of harmful algal blooms?plans and supplies to prepare for emergency evacuationswarnings to switch to store bottled water instead of tap wateradvisories concerning which fish and other seafood to avoid eatinglaws prohibiting the building of new developments close to shores30s8.E1.3
- Q8Water conservation is an important issue for many reasons. However, water conservation does notensure the reliability of water suppliessave money for the consumerpreserve and protect our natural resourcesprovide protection from flooding30s8.E1.4
- Q9Many different tools are used to monitor the hydrosphere. Which is the BEST example of a bioindicator?thermometermicrobacteriumrain guageSecchi disc30s8.E1.4
- Q10Which stormwater device does the best job of retaining the water and aiding in nutrient removal?A pond that holds water and releases water in small amounts of time to streams.A roadside ditch that carries water to the river.A stormwater pipe that carries water from streets to creeks.A rain barrel that catches water coming off the rooftops of houses.30s8.E1.4