NEF unit 2
Quiz by Colette Parkinson
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10 questions
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- Q1Who works in a shop?shop assistant60s
- Q2Who works in a hospital?a docteran doctora docthora doctor45s
- Q3I need my hair cut, I'm going to see a....hairdresser60s
- Q4I play the piano. I'm a....musicianbuilderpianoermusic man45s
- Q5Which is NOT a job?a receptiona politiciana bank managera builder45s
- Q6_____ ______ _______ in a restaurant?Does she worksDoes she workDo she workDo she works45s
- Q7Do you like animals?No, I don't likeYes, I doNo, I doYes, I like45s
- Q8Does ______ ________ watch television in the evenings?its motheryour motherthe motheryou mother45s
- Q9Do you ________ in a flat?havemakelivestay45s
- Q10I love doing....housework45s