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Neolithic Revolution and River Valley Civilizations Review

Quiz by Stephanie Young

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9 questions
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  • Q1
    Which of the following statements would most accurately complete this list?
    Question Image
    The use of the chariot
    The development of sanitation systems
    The rise of permanent settlements
    The invention of the water wheel
  • Q2
    Chinese and Indian civilizations evolved more slowly due to:
    Physical barriers that limited trade with other civilizations
    Egyptian and Mesopotamian civilizations were more intelligent
    Pride in their individual cultures and an unwillingness to mix with other cultures
    Mesopotamia’s access to oil allowed for quicker advancements in technology
  • Q3
    The statements in the box show that the ancient civilizations who developed these concepts placed an emphasis on --
    Question Image
  • Q4
    A difference between Hammurabi’s Code and the Ten Commandments is…
    Hammurabi’s Code is still enforced in modern European culture, and the Ten Commandments have no spiritual impact on followers of Judaism and Christianity.
    The Ten Commandments consists of harsh punishments that are laid out in civil laws, Hammurabi's Code establishes religious laws.
    Hammurabi’s Code promoted equality amongst all social classes, and the Ten Commandments sometimes distinguished amongst individuals.
    Hammurabi’s Code consists of harsh punishments that are laid out in civil laws, the Ten Commandments establishes religious laws.
  • Q5
    Which of the following accurately describes a monarchy?
    God or the gods rule
    Multiple leaders share power
    A King or Queen is in charge
    All citizens participate directly
  • Q6
    Which title best completes this diagram?
    Question Image
    Elements of a Civilization
    Geographic features common to early civilizations
    Basic Components of the Paleolithic Age
    Elements common only to the Sumerians of Mesopotamia
  • Q7
    What change began in Neolithic Age about 8,000 BC that led to the creation of permanent settlements?
  • Q8
    Neolithic people began trading resources because of…
    Surplus of products
    Geographic barriers
    Colder climate
    Food shortages
  • Q9
    Early river valley civilizations influenced the development of classical civilizations in which of the following ways?
    The food shortages in the river valleys led to a mass migration of people into the mountain regions.
    All classical civilizations adopted the same religious philosophy and belief system.
    The caste system in India created equal opportunities for all future societies and was eventually adopted by civilizations in China as well.
    The focus on job specialization led to advancements in science, technology and mathematics.

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