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Nerve Injuries of Upper Extremity

Quiz by OASIS

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26 questions
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  • Q1
    Which one of these are not a site where the median nerve gets entrapped?
    Cervical spine
    Interscalene triangle
    Carpal tunnel
  • Q2
    Dean has complained of inflammation on his elbow. He often experiences pain on his forearm when pulling out his chair and picking up the phone at work. After evaluation, the hand therapist determines Dean is experiencing:
    Tennis elbow
    Golfer's elbow
    De Quervain's syndrome
    Raynaud's syndrome
  • Q3
    A lesion to the musculocutaneous nerve resulting in muscle weakness would limit a client’s ability to perform what action?
    Bring food items to their mouth
    Side reach for objects on a table
    Push up from a chair
    Reach overhead to access a cabinet
  • Q4
    Ben is experiencing numbness and tingling in bilateral upper extremities due to narrowing of the spinal canal in his cervical vertebrae. This condition is known as:
    Cauda equina syndrome
    Thoracic inlet syndrome
  • Q5
    A child comes into the clinic after losing balance while climbing a tree. He fell a few feet but grabbed a branch with his right arm before he hit the ground. The child is now experiencing numbness on the medial side of his arm and hand, he also is exhibiting a claw hand. Which type of nerve injury do you believe he has acquired?
    Horner’s Syndrome
    Klumpke’s Palsy
    Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
    Erb Duchenne Palsy
  • Q6
    Which of the following nerves would NOT be affected by Erb-Duchenne Palsy?
    Axillary nerve
    Long thoracic nerve
    Musculocutaneous nerve
    Accessory nerve
  • Q7
    Alex has developed Horner’s syndrome and presents with excessive sweating and a droopy eye lid. These symptoms are medically termed as:
    Miosis and Anhydrosis
    Anhydrosis and Ptosis
    Ptosis and Miosis
    Enophthalmos and Ptosis
  • Q8
    The difference between an ulnar nerve lesion at the wrist vs the elbow is…
    A lesion at the elbow will cause ulnar deviation while ulnar nerve lesion at the wrist will not
    The injury at the elbow will result in a less evident claw hand as compared to an injury at the wrist.
    There is no difference
    The injury at the elbow will produce tingling in the 5th and medial half of the 4th digit while ulnar nerve lesion at the wrist will not
  • Q9
    Rebecca has been diagnosed with type III Guyon’s canal syndrome. Which of the follow describes type III Guyon’s canal syndrome?
    Just proximal to Guyon's canal and there are both motor and sensory abnormalities
    Only sensory there is no motor deficit
    Only motor there is no sensory deficit
    Weakness in muscles innervated by the deep branch & may spare hypothenar muscles
  • Q10
    A newly wed came into your clinic complaining that he cannot extend his wrist (wrist drop). He stated that he has been sleeping with his arm around his new wife and her head resting on his shoulder. What nerve injury do you suspect he has?
    Recurrent branch of the median nerve lesion
    Posterior interosseous neuropathy
    Axillary neuropathy
    Anterior interosseous neuropathy
  • Q11
    This nerve injury presents when a client is asked to make a fist. The median nerve is being affected at the elbow or wrist. The client is unable to flex MCP & IP joints on the middle and index finger. Which nerve injury is being described?
    Hand of Benediction
    Ulnar Claw
    Klumpke’s Palsy
    Simian Hand
  • Q12
    A temporary interruption of conduction with no loss of axonal continuity is the definition of:
  • Q13
    What paralysis involves both arms and one leg?
  • Q14
    What is the syndrome called that describes pressure on the nerves at the end of the spinal cord and can cause sensory loss in the saddle area?
    Lumbar stenosis
    Cauda equina syndrome
  • Q15
    What peripheral nerve injury consists of a loss of continuity of the axon but preservation of the connective tissue?

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