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Night Chapter 6

Quiz by 1cujup

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13 questions
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  • Q1
    Elie’s father didn’t want Elie to sleep in the snow because:
    He was afraid Elie would die
    He was afraid Elie would not give him a chance to rest
    He was afraid Elie would be shot
    All of the above
  • Q2
    Zalman can't continue marching because
    He had stomach pain
    He had foot pain
    He was cold
    He was shot
  • Q3
    Why does the presence of his father give Elie the strength to continue the march?
    His father has extra spoons
    His father has extra rations
    He knows his father would likely die without him
    Only his father knows where the family gold is buried
  • Q4
    How do the prisoners appease their thirst while waiting for the train to arrive?
    They make a Turkey Hill run
    They break up ice in the bucket
    They recycle urine
    They eat snow off of each others shoulders
  • Q5
    What is the importance of Juliek's playing of Beethoven's concerto?
    Everyone hated Beethoven
    Beethoven was a Nazi
    Jews weren't allowed to play German symphonies and he was being defiant before death.
    Beethoven hadn't even been born yet when this book was written
  • Q6
    People who could not run as fast as necessary were
    Swept along by the crowd
  • Q7
    How far had the prisoners traveled when the sun came up the next morning?
    4 miles
    10 miles
    42 miles
    88 miles
  • Q8
    They learn the march is to take them to
    Eastern France
    The middle of Poland
    The southern border of Switzerland
    the middle of Germany
  • Q9
    Elie is almost killed by
    getting shot at
    the rat poison in the bread rations
    falling in the snow and getting trampled
  • Q10
    Juliek brought the violin along because
    It had belonged to his grandfather
    He wanted to trade it for bread rations
    It was the last one made in Poland before the German invasion
    He was afraid the Nazis would break it
  • Q11
    At the end of the chapter, how many people were put into each train car?
  • Q12
    What happened when Elie's father was sent to the wrong side of the selection?
    His father ran into the woods
    His father collapsed
    Elie caused a riot and people got shot
    Elie was relieved
  • Q13
    How did Rabbi Elihou get separated from his son?
    He was getting more food from the guards
    His son saw him slowing down, and ran ahead of him anyway
    The guards shot his son, but only wounded him
    The Rabbi was being chased by the guard dogs

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