(North) Managing Challenging Behaviors
Quiz by Tyronne Singleton
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- Q1
Challenging behaviors refer to actions exhibited
30s - Q2
Manifestation can be understood as a cognitive process where individuals’ beliefs about themselves and their surroundings shape their behaviors.
truefalseTrue or False30s - Q3
Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities do not have challenges in problem solving and social interactions
truefalseTrue or False30s - Q4
Individuals ADHD might show impulsive behavior, hyperactivity, or difficulty sustained attention.
D. A and B
A. Impulsive Behavior
B. Hyperactivity
C. Thrive in structured environments
30s - Q5
Tier 1 Behaviors are
15% of all behaviors
5% of all behaviors
80% of all behaviors
30s - Q6
Operant Condition Theory suggest behaviors can reinforced either increasing or decreasing the likelihood of the desired behavior
truefalseTrue or False30s - Q7
When responding to challenging behaviors
Use a loud voice
Do not correct the behavior
Stay calm
30s - Q8
Student with emotional disabilities
Are never aggressive
Responses to stress can lead to unpredictable behavior
Do not have mood swings