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NQF Framework Handbook

Quiz by Tracey Gray

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14 questions
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  • Q1
    How are the NQF qualifications assessed?
    2 synoptic assignments and 1 theory exam
    1 synoptic assignment and 2 summative theory exams
    1 summative theory exam and 1 synoptic assignment
    2 exams
  • Q2
    Is the Level 3 electrical exam computer based or paper based?
    Computer based
    Paper based
  • Q3
    How could A01 be generally described
    Demonstrates technical skills from across the breadth of the qualification.
    Demonstrates understanding of concepts, theories and processes from across the breadth of the qualification.
    Applies knowledge, understanding and skills from across the breadth of the qualification in an integrated and holistic way.
    Recalls knowledge from across the breadth of the qualification.
  • Q4
    Which AO typically refers to higher level cognitive skills to analyse, compare and justify?
  • Q5
    Why must you be careful about giving a final grade to your students?
    You aren't confident and so shouldn't give a grade.
    The grades on the mark scheme are irrelevant to the final grade.
    Final marking is done on a sliding scale by the awarding body, and bands do not align with grades.
    You don't know what they will get in their exam.
  • Q6
    Why is it important to revisit earlier learning?
    To make sure all the assignments are done.
    To refresh students' memories for end testing and build links between units ready for the summative assessments.
    Because you run out of things to do.
    To teach it better as the first time it didn't go too well.
  • Q7
    Does the course have to be taught in a linear fashion/consecutively?
    Yes, each unit builds on the previous one.
    No, start with the longest unit first to get it out of the way.
    Yes, you must start with Health and Safety.
    No, as the holistic nature of the assessment blends the units together.
  • Q8
    If a question asks students to list, should they go on to also explain?
    Of course, the more detail the higher the marks.
    No, because they will get nothing for answering the question if they get it wrong.
    Yes, list really means explain.
    No, as no extra marks will be awarded for the explanation, only for the list.
  • Q9
    Typically which command words would be marked with an 'E' in appendix 1?
    Command words which are essential.
    Command words which would be used in the exam.
    Command words which would be used in the assignment.
    Command words which are extra - over and above the basic knowledge.
  • Q10
    Which of the following are good formative assessment tools?
    Questioning only.
    Knowledge checks (through online quizzes and weekly tests), mock assignments, team challenges, self and peer assessment.
  • Q11
    What happens if the student fails both attempts at the externally marked exam?
    The student will be able to start another qualification, but gain points from this qualification to cross reference.
    Marks will be awarded for the part that has been passed and the student will be partially qualified.
    They will have to resit it for a third time in September.
    The student will fail the qualification.
  • Q12
    Where can you look now to find the synoptic assessment material?
    On the City and Guilds website.
    In the course handbook.
    It is not released yet.
    It is being published in March.
  • Q13
    Is every unit tested in the final summative theory exam?
    No, only the theory units are assessed.
    No, each course handbook details which units are to be examined.
    Yes, every unit will appear in the exam because it is a new qualification.
    Yes, the end test covers everything that has been taught.
  • Q14
    Why is formative assessment and feedback crucial?
    It improves SPAG and makes sure that students will be able to write the answers correctly in the exams. Students will be well prepared.
    It is important to track progress so that Markbook can be completed.
    It tells students what they need to do to improve their learning and outcomes. It allows teaching staff to see how much progress is being made.
    It tells students what they have done wrong, and what they must not do again.

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