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Number the Stars Chapter 16

Quiz by Linda Davis

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9 questions
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  • Q1
    Why does Uncle Henrik decide to tell Annemarie just a little of what is going on?
    Annemarie cried until he gave in
    Annemarie had been so brave
    Annemarie begged him
    Annemarie's mother told him to
  • Q2
    How did the fisherman hide the Jews on their boats?
    They had built hidden places in their boats.
    Hiding them in various places around the boat
    Putting them where the fish bait is.
    utting them in the holding tanks usually used for fish.
  • Q3
    What was Annemarie surprised to learn about Peter?
    He vowed to never marry
    He vowed to become a Priest.
    He planned to move to America.
    He was in the Resistance.
  • Q4
    Why did the German soldiers begin to use dogs?
    It was his wife's who had passed.
    The dogs were intimidating to the Jewish people.
    It was used signal to signal he had Jews in boat to the Danish Resistance in Sweden.
    It had a scent on it that made the dogs loose their smell.
  • Q5
    Why was Henrik not worried about the Nazi's invading Sweden?
    Sweden's army was no match for the Nazi's.
    The Nazi's wanted Sweden to remain free.
    Sweden had too many allies, and the Nazis could not win the fight.
    Sweden's geography was such that the Nazi army could not easily invade.
  • Q6
    What happened when Annemarie was twelve that caused rejoicing in the streets?
    Sweden bombed Nazi Germany.
    The United States entered the war.
    King Christian had a son.
    The war had ended.
  • Q7
    What did Annemarie discover about Lise?
    The Annemarie was her favorite sister.
    She was a nurse in the war.
    She had been a soldier in the war.
    She, too, was part of the Resistance.
  • Q8
    What did Annemarie remove from the pocket of Lise's wedding dress?
    Her engagement ring.
    A picture of her family.
    Her engagement ring.
    Ellen's Star of David.
  • Q9
    What did Annemarie plan to do with the necklace until she returned?
    She plans to put it an a pawn shop
    She plans to hide it.
    She plans to give it to her mother for safe keeping.
    She plans to wear it.

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